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Can Your Employer Require You to Turn on Your Camera During Meetings?

The workforce has changed tremendously since the start of the pandemic in 2020. According to studies, approximately 41.8% of the American workforce worked remotely during the start of the pandemic, but that has since fallen to about 22%. Still, millions of people still work from their home offices, kitchens, or living rooms. Since this transition, many employers have tried to keep positive company culture alive. To achieve this, employers started asking employees to turn on their cameras during meetings. However, this raised employees’ concerns about privacy. Some argue that they must share their homes and personal lives with others when the camera is on. They say that this is not only an issue of privacy but that this requirement should be illegal. Well, is it?

Current Privacy Laws

There are a few privacy laws that protect employees from their employer’s scrutiny. For example, in some U.S. states, under Title 18 2511 employers cannot record employee conversations without their consent. Some states only require one-party consent, while other states, such as California, require all-party consent. You can read more about each state’s conversation recording laws in the article Is it Legal to Record Phone Calls and Conversations?

There are other laws protecting employee privacy, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA). The ECPA prevents employers from monitoring electronic communications in the workplace. This was part of the Wiretap Act of 1968, which not only protects employees from verbal and wire communications, but it also prohibits employers from searching through emails, phone calls, and electronic data storage. There are, however, exceptions to the ECPA, which allow employers to monitor oral and electronic communications, as long as they can prove that they were doing so for business purposes. Employers may also search through an employee’s electronic belongings, as long as the employee consents. If court-mandated, an employer can gain access to all employee electronic communications, which includes Slack conversation data.

Additionally, employers may also use cameras for surveillance purposes. Camera surveillance is often used to monitor employee activity and for theft prevention. The employer can typically do this, so long as they disclose the surveillance to employees, the areas covered are public (such as a lobby or dining area), or when the company has justifiable reasons for doing so. 

Other than this, employers typically have the right to monitor employees whenever they wish to do so, within reason.

Requiring Employees to Use Their Cameras

Many employees enjoy the benefits of working remotely. They don’t have to do their hair or makeup and they can pretty much wear whatever they want.

Unless you’re this guy…

Throw an obligatory camera policy toward employees and they may feel like their world has been turned upside down, because they’ll no longer be able to enjoy their preferred relaxed state.

When employers require workers to use their cameras during meetings, not only do they have to dress appropriately, but they must also ensure that family members don’t interrupt, and outside noise must be kept to a minimum. This is difficult for some employees who are still working with children at home or who have intrusive pets. To some, having their home lives broadcasted to their colleagues can feel like the camera requirement is a breach of privacy.

Is it Legal?

Although it may seem like an invasion of privacy, the answer here is unfortunately somewhat unclear. The requirement of employee camera use in the workplace isn’t reflected in any current privacy laws. Although employees may feel as though this is an intrusion, it is most likely legal in most circumstances. When you think about it, employees at the office are expected to regularly share their presence with other staff members. Therefore, when it comes to requiring the use of cameras during meetings while working remotely, it doesn’t seem like a preposterous request.

What Happens to Employees Who Refuse?

Technically, there aren’t laws prohibiting employers from asking employees to turn on their cameras. But employees legally don’t have to comply with this request. An employer can’t force you to do anything you are uncomfortable doing. However, if you choose to turn off your camera, you run the risk of termination. 

How to Handle if You’re Uncomfortable

If you truly feel uncomfortable using your camera during meetings, you may want to speak with your manager, HR representative, or employer about the policy. Explain to them why you have qualms about this requirement. Perhaps you don’t have a separate office space and you don’t want your colleagues to see your home or family members? Maybe you are camera shy or suffer from the opposite? Some people have reported that they stare at themselves so persistently when the camera is on, that they can’t actually pay attention to what’s going on during the meeting. Whatever the reason, your supervisor may understand that you feel uncomfortable using your camera during meetings and let you opt out.

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