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Remote employee lay off

The Right way to Lay Off Remote Employees

Most of you probably didn’t start out as the boss. Take a moment to remember a time when you worked for someone else. You may recall decisions that you didn’t agree with …

Coworker discussion

How to Navigate Political Discussions at Work

What’s your state of mind these days? No, really. I want to know. Try to talk about it without mentioning the pandemic, the jobs report, your child’s education, the housing market, inflation, …

Coworkers collaborating at a conference table

How to Increase Employee Engagement

Sometimes the mere thought of getting up and going to work is overwhelming. Interacting with a range of coworkers, attending meetings with supervisors, or wading through emails can seem daunting on days …

manager angrily points at watch

5 Offensive Things Managers Should Never Say

Effective leadership is crucial for sustaining a thriving company with a stable and motivated workforce, yet so many people occupying managerial positions are unbelievably bad at this aspect of their job. Managers …

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