Partial Unemployment Benefits for Hour and Pay Cuts

Most people probably aren’t even aware that a thing such as partial unemployment benefits even exists. Did you know that you can receive benefits even if you’re still working? In fact, unemployment insurance (UI) benefits aren’t so black and white – lose your job, get assistance. There are benefits available for employees who received hour cuts or pay decreases. As a business owner, you should know this.

If you need to calculate a pay cut, try our free pay cut calculator here.

Eligibility for Partial Benefits

Eligibility for partial unemployment differs by state; however, there are general requirements:

  • Employees must become unemployed through no fault of their own – in other words, their employer must have cut their hours, not at the employee’s request. Additionally, eligibility is nullified if an employee goes back to school and receives hour reductions.
  • The employee must be willing to work full time and looking for work. Note: With COVID-19 changes in place, some employees may not have to search for work while obtaining unemployment benefits. The California Unemployment Insurance office, for instance, states ” You are not required to look for work each week to be eligible for benefits.”
  • Employees could be eligible if after losing their job they were only able to find part-time work.

Determining Eligibility

Besides the general requirements above, there is only one way to know if employees meet eligibility requirements: an employee must apply for unemployment with their state’s unemployment office. Once UI office receives the employee’s application and reviews their employment information, they will determine their eligibility and length of their benefits. If eligible, employees will receive notifications with their next steps. Employers will also receive a notification regarding their employee’s unemployment status.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some states placed FAQ sections on their websites for employees who have questions about eligibility. Here’s a handy website to find your state’s unemployment benefit websites and resources.

Where the Unemployment Funds Come From

The Department of Labor’s unemployment insurance program is funded through the unemployment tax that employers pay as a part of their payroll taxes. It’s an insurance or tax that an employer pays, regardless of whether the employer ever employs people that use the benefit. Like most insurance premiums, we may never use the benefits. We do, however, have to pay them anyway to support the collective need. For more details, read this article on

How Unemployment Claims Impact Employers

When employees claim these benefits, employers could start paying higher employment taxes due to an increase in their unemployment insurance tax (the FUTA tax). It’s similar to car insurance rates which rise when you make a claim. The employer’s tax rate is higher when they lay off more employees who claim unemployment. Partial unemployment claims also affect the unemployment insurance tax rates.

Avoid Cutting Hours and Pay

To avoid increases in employment tax rates, great care should be taken to hire good people and to avoid layoffs, pay cuts, and reducing hours.

Of course, you can’t always avoid these things. Companies go through periods of hardship where pay cuts and layoffs are inevitable. Sometimes employers reduce a troublesome employee’s hours in hopes that the employee will resign. It’s a reasonable strategy for avoiding legal difficulties, but it could mean that the employee starts collecting unemployment benefits. That’s one of many reasons why good hiring strategies and retention efforts are important for employers. It helps keep costs down in the long run.

There are all sorts of reasons that employees don’t work out or don’t work out in the way initially hired. Many of them are inevitable. But by offering a good company culture, decent working conditions, amicable management, living wages, and even severance packages, many issues can be avoided.

Being aware of where the unemployment money comes from and when employees can collect it can help employers make better business decisions and avoid most unemployment claims.

Curious about how PPP loans affect unemployment insurance benefits? Read this article

Have questions, comments, or tips? Start a discussion on the KingMaker Society Forums. It’s a great place to collaborate with business owners and employees.

365 Responses

  1. Our employer seems like they don’t care about us. Their only concern is more money in their pockets. Just being honest. It is so sad, because we are always there when they need us. They even call us in on our off days. But since this coronavirus scare, they offer us nothing regarding hand sanitizer or anything. We make peanuts with no hours. Now they are taking away 2 hours of our 15 hours or less. My question is, is there anything that is made available to workers whose hours are being cut, meaning less money? We have bills to pay too.

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your hardship. There’s not a ton you can do to get more hours because an employer can cut hours at any time; however, you can speak with an unemployment representative about your options.

      1. I work PRN in the healthcare field they have cut my hours to 16hrs bi-weekly which totals to 30hrs a month i went from working 80+hrs a paycheck to now 16hrs a paycheck with this happening can I apply for unemployment? The reason for cut back on ours is because of the volume of patients has dropped TREMENDOUSLY we went from seeing 400-500 pts a day in the emergency room to barely seeing 50 pts a day within the last 2wks.

        1. Hi, there. I would suggest speaking with your local state’s unemployment office to see what kind of assistance they can offer you. Unemployment benefits vary by state, so your best bet is to check with them.

          1. I worked and claimed 33 hours to avoid the unemployment dept closing my case. (I already knew I wasn’t going to get unemployment check for that week)… Next week my hours will be 28 hours. Should I have not claimed the 33 hours?

          2. If you already filed, there’s not anything you can do (unless your state allows you to edit your claim). If you don’t qualify for unemployment, you would most likely have to file an appeal and ask them to review your case again.

          3. My employer took out a PPP loan in NJ. It seems there is alot of questions about how to report this pay with very little information available. My coworkers keep reporting hours worked although no one is really working. I also feel like we were forced into this and thought you had the option of PPP or UI. They keep saying if we are not back to work in 8 weeks we can reapply for UI but do not think that is the case.

          4. The PPP loan may affect your unemployment, which is why your employer most likely told you to wait to repapply. According to the congressional research service, “Firms that receive a PPP loan cannot also claim the ERTC. Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businesses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. Therefore, the idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment because they’ll get paid.

        2. My pay was cut almost in half due to the virus can’t hardly pay my Bill’s I don’t know how to go about get unemployed for hours and pay being cut

          1. You can try applying for unemployment benefits through your state’s unemployment office. Once they review your employment information and other application materials, they’ll let you know if you qualify for any benefit package.

          2. I just came off disability after having knee surgery, but with the restrictions and no surgeries in the lab where I work, I am not getting my full 8 hours in a day, more like 4 or 5. Do I have to use all personal time before I can apply for partial unemployment benefits or should I just apply, but what happens if I do work a full day too? I’m very confused and torn as to what to do.

          3. unfortunately each state has its own unemployment regulations, so the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

          4. My employer received the PPP loan and has asked the staff to return to work although we aren’t really working. I currently receive the pua because I didn’t qualify for regular unemployment. I’m only going to be working till mid June than I’m layoffed till fall. Will I be able to get PUA again? Would I have to reapply all over again or just start certifying from where I left off. Does this mess me up?

          5. You will have to check with your state for PUA eligibility and requirements, because this differs by state. In some cases, you will not get PUA if you aren’t receiving unemployment benefits, and in some cases, you’ll have to reapply. The best thing to do is check with your state’s unemployment office, and they’ll most likely have information on their website about PUA eligibility.

        3. My son is currently drawing unemployment in new York. His employer called him back yesterday and gave him 15 hours a week and said if he didn’t take it he would be reported for fraud. Is that true and if he goes back will he lose the 600.00 a week

          1. Well, technically your son (if eligible) can qualify for partial unemployment benefits, even if he’s still working for his employer. As long as your son is accurately transcribing his income on his benefit claim account, he should be fine. To be sure, I would recommend speaking with a representative at your unemployment office.

        4. I’m working 40 hours a week but my salary was cut in half, do I qualify for partial unemployment

          1. UI benefits are usually given to those who receive salary cuts, but that’s up to your state’s UI office. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, so the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

          2. Hi I have a question my daughter has two partime jobs one in a school and one in a retailer . Her retailer closed because of covid 19 and said she can collect unemployment. Her school even though closed started to pay her for being out. The question is shes earning less then 504 a week because she gets paid every two weeks can she still claim from unemployment from the retailer .


          1. i just found out that my job is going to pay us severance pay and is going to shut down permanent I, m working a part time job to make ends meet 15 to 20 hrs a week it’s not my normal job prescription my arm is bothering me a month after I started and is getting unemployment benefits and take out of my check from working parting I, m taking a leave because if it will u still be eligible for unemployment benefits

          2. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, so the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

          3. Hello I filed for unemployment for reduced hours due to covid-19. After a month and half I finally received word from my employer that they received my unemployment claim, the same day they put me back to full-time. My employer wants to make me whole again meaning pay me for the hours that were cut. But in California the EDD is paying an extra 600$ a week if you had an active claim that week. The earliest would be April 4 that you could receive the 600$ and I filed my claim on 3/15. My employer is claiming they received my application on 5/1 although the date on it is 3/27. The CEO wants to “make me whole again” and pay me one week of the 600. So that would be 1,000$ instead of 3,000+ and he threatened to furlough me if I didn’t accept his offer.

          4. My unemployment benefits saying that a partial check what does it mean

          5. I work in west Texas in the oil field and the company i work for cut my hours and also i got a 20% pay cut can i quit and apply for unemployment, because it says on the pay agrements on the twc

          6. In most cases, you cannot obtain unemployment if you quit your job. You must be unemployed at no fault of your own; therefore, you may have trouble if you apply for unemployment. You can, however, file for unemployment since your hours were cut and the Texas unemployment office will let you know if you qualify for benefits.

          7. I work in west Texas in the oil field and the company i work for cut my hours and also i got a 20% pay cut can i quit and apply for unemployment, it says on the pay agrements on the

          1. Unfortunately that’s going to be entirely up to your state’s unemployment regulations. You may want to consult with your local office.

        1. Hello I am a mechanic and make a $35 hour flat rate of pay or if there is no work we get a guarantee of at least $19 an hour with the covid-19 thing going on there is no work so I am only getting $19 an hour and can barely pay my bills. Am I eligible for partial unemployment

          1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations regarding employees who receive bonuses/commissions, so the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

      3. My employer cut hours for hourly and now with unemployment covid 19 they are making their normal pay. I was cut a portion of my pay but expected to work 40 hours. Can I collect unemployment for the cut I received. It seems unfair that I have take less for.working the same.

          1. I am currently working 20 hours a week when my regular work week is forty hours.i signed up for partial inemployment. Will the care act reimburse me 100% of my wages and do i still qualify for the 600 dollar bump

          2. That’s something that you will want to ask your state’s unemployment office. Your eligibility is entirely up to their regulations.

          3. Hi – I live and work in NJ. I work for 2 different companies but was furloughed by just one. The other I am still working for. Can I file for unemployment for just the 1 company and if so, how can I do it? When I went to file, it didn’t give me an option for just the 1 company. When they asked if I was still employed by the second, I said yes, but there were required fields asking why I was laid off, etc…

          4. Unfortunately we cannot answer questions regarding state forms. For the best information, I recommend asking a representative from the New Jersey office.

        1. Same here…I am curious as to what your outcome was…if any. I am not able to collect partial unemployment as I make $10 more than my available benefits.

          1. I applied unemployment benefits from my both jobs. Bat 1 of them deposit check in to my bank account while I was staying home.
            That point what question should I answer weekly unemployment benefits?do I still get my benefits?

        2. Im also recieving unemployment benefits for reduced wages but i have a child thay was let go from school can i apply for full unemployment. How can i change this.

          1. You should have an account within your state’s unemployment office’s website where you can update your employment information. There, you can adjust your information and apply for unemployment.

          2. My company had me take time off with partial pay. This pay goes mainly to pay my insurance so i stay insured but I am not working. They approved me for unemployment since covid was the cause of the time off. Since I am not working how do I report this income? It asks if I worked the week I am claiming so the answer is no, but I will still get a small amount every 2 weeks, about $250 after taxes and insurance but I still did not work. We have a lot of employees out on the program that are receiving full benefits, and it varies by state. I just want to make sure I am doing everything correctly since I cant talk to anyone at the office. We get “paid” for 10 hours a week, reduced from 40, So would I claim that? Even though I have not been called back to work?

      4. Can I get paid unemployment even though my employer still pays me but not full pay hours and will they let us still get unemployment due to the unemployment relief act due to the pandemic!!!

        1. I don’t see why that’s not an option for you– you can always apply and see what happens. There’s no way to tell if you’ll receive benefits before you actually apply. Once you apply, your state will review your application and will notify you about any unemployment benefits you will receive.

          1. Can my employer decide to pay me after I am approved for unemployment benefits and receive unemployment pay? I was told to quarantine 2 weeks and had no accrued paid sick leave left so I applied for unemployment. I was approved and received my first deposit from unemployment. Since my employed goes off of a biweekly pay period, they notified me after I had received the unemployment benefits that they were paying me for negative sick time (negative 80 hours) and that I would need to contact unemployment about this. However, I was already previously approved. Can they do this or am I right in denying negative sick time and sticking with the unemployment I recieved?

          1. It’s a part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. It provides an extra $600.00 to unemployment benefit packages (and you receive this extra $600.00 weekly).

        2. Hello ,
          I was a part time for a catholic school and cause of the pandemic they closed for the remaining of the school , but before we left they didn’t tell us nothing about paying us , and it turns out they are paying us when I already have applied for unemployment, could I get in trouble with VEC if I’m still receiving a check from my job even thou we not in school

        3. Can my business receive PPP and my employees receive partial unemployment?

          1. It really depends… in some cases, the PPP loan may affect your unemployment. According to the congressional research service, “Firms that receive a PPP loan cannot also claim the ERTC. Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businesses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. Therefore, the idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment because they’ll get paid through the PPP loan. You might get denied from unemployment, but you won’t know until you apply.

          2. My employer called us back to work because he received the PPP loan. We went back and are working reduced hours. We were all getting UI benefits but now they are not certifying us each week. Can i apply for partial unemployment on my own?

          3. Hi,I leave in NY,I have been working full time in my job until Iwas furloughed from my job due to the pandemic.I went to unemployment benefits and got approved.My job called me back,I work 4 days a week for 28hours,2 days 6hours and the other 2 days 8hours.Can I still get the partial benefit?

      5. When your hours are cut do you still receive the 600 covid payment. There are so many that get just above the threshold. Which means don’t get the unemployment weekly amount. So do they still receive the 600 covid payment?

        1. That’s up to your state’s UI (unemployment insurance) regulations. In California, for instance, they apply the $600 automatically as a part of the federal CARES act. So, that would be up to your state. You might have to fill out another application, or they might implement it automatically.

          1. I signed up and was approved for unemoyment benefits for my lost wages due to our hours being cut back from 38 hour to 16-20 hours a week. My employer just got approved for a PPP loan. Can I still file unemployment weekly while getting my PPP payment also from my employer?

          2. In some cases, the PPP loan may affect your unemployment. According to the congressional research service, “Firms that receive a PPP loan cannot also claim the ERTC. Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businessses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. Therefore, the idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment because they’ll get paid. So, yes, you can still file, you just may get denied.

          3. I just found out that my employer got money from the federal government to pay employees for 8 weeks, will I still qualify for unemployment/$600. Since technically I’m not working.

          4. That’s a tricky one. I assume that your employer got a PPP loan. Unfortunately, the PPP loan might affect your unemployment. According to the congressional research service, “Firms that receive a PPP loan cannot also claim the ERTC. Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businesses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. Therefore, the idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment because they’ll get paid with PPP money. So, long story short, you may or may not get affected, but it depends on your state’s unemployment rules.

      6. Hi my hours were cut due to no childcare available during this scare I went from working 40 hours a week to 20-25 hours a week barely paying my bills. I was wondering if I will be eligible for unemployment?

        1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

      7. Hello , I have a question I’m concern about. I file for unemployment and got approved in Las Vegas nv. I had summited hours of PTO and was denied. After getting approved for unemployment 4 days later I realized I got paid for PTO .. i don’t want to get in trouble but there’s way to many discrepancy going on and unemployment not answering their calls .. I was planning to report 15 hr when I file a claim to be clear out.

        1. Unfortunately it looks like the NV unemployment website is down for maintenance. If you can’t get a hold of them, I would recommend speaking with an unemployment attorney to seek advice.

      8. I filled out for unemployment partial they said a letter will be sent to me to see how much benefits I will receive ho long does the letter take to come also they told me to log my hours in on Sunday and when I try it says my application is not finished

        1. I cannot answer that question, unfortunately. UI offices are overwhelmed with submissions, so I imagine that they cannot get to everyone’s files in a timely manner. It could take days or weeks– it just depends. Also, if your application is not finished, I recommend checking on it to ensure that you completed the application. If it’s not completed, you will most likely experience more delays.

          1. Hello, and thank you for answering all these questions..

            My question is, I applied for UI due to hours cut, got approved and receiving UI as of now… My employer will pay us 40/75 hours for the month of MAY, but we aren’t working, due to all flights cancelled out of the NY/NJ area…

            How do I report this income since I’m not really working?… Do I not claim and report UI, for the month of May?… or should I still claim weekly benefits and put that I’ve made more than $504 for the week.. But remember I didn’t work the hours, they just paying us..

            Thank you,

            Stay safe and well.

          2. Hi, there. If your employer is still paying you, even if you’re not technically working, you would have to report your income when you complete your weekly or biweekly claim. If I were you, I would confirm this with a representative at your local unemployment office.

      9. I just got called back to work however I taling 2.00 hr payout someone told me I will be able to get the 600 a week from cares act is it true if so how do u apply

        1. You should get the $600 a week automatically from your UI office. Check your state’s unemployment office’s website– they should have that outlined somewhere in their guidelines.

      10. My employer received a loan and therefore needs 75% of the work force to return to work 30 hours a week. Losing unemployment.i know I will lose my unemployment benefits and what was allocated to me But will I still receive the $600 or nothing at all?

        1. That depends on what state you’re in. In California, for instance, “The EDD will automatically add the full $600 to each week of current benefits that are paid every two weeks, as long you are eligible for at least $1 in a regular payment each week”. If you are ineligible for unemployment, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll receive the $600 CARES act funds. However, you might receive funds depending on your state’s policies

      11. I think my small Dr’s office owner boss got a 100,000 ppp loan. He is using it to pay old bills and for some construction and has not offered to help with my pay. He temporarily cut my hours to 24 down from 40. I make a little too much to qualify for unemployment. And it’s more than a 25% pay cut. Isn’t he supposed to pay me for those 2 days? I’m not working those 2 days but that’s because of the covid 19. Im still a full time employee. Cramming 5 days work into 3 I may add as a lab tech.

    2. Hi! I am having some concerns about one of my part time jobs. One of my employers is reducing my hours from 20 down to 10-13. Is there a way to claim benefits. I have another part time job working 15hrs/week. But that one will stay the same. Thanks in advance!

      1. Hi Nicole. Every state has its own unemployment rules, so you’ll want to check with your state’s unemployment office. They would be able to tell you whether or not you’ll get benefits or partial benefits.

        1. I recently filed for partial unemployment because we were putting from 12 to 20 hours a week when as we were putting 38 to 40 hours.My concern is that my employer received a letter from unemployment this Monday.I was scheduled to work at 7am and my director asked me not to come in due to this letter stating that I was either laid off or fired from them.I told her that I didn’t put that on my application but that I was shorted on my hours.She told me I had to fix the situation on my own and call unemployment.I have snapshoted pictures where I have called over 100 times daily. I feel I have been discriminated at work due to applying for partial unemployment after I’ve been doing other job duties that have nothing to with my job duties.Which I haven’t minded because I needed the hours. What do you suggest I do ..I’m at limbo because she doesn’t schedule earnings this week..she hadn’t texted me or called me to let me know if I’m fired. I feel I should make a legal complaint but don’t know how to go about it….your help is greatly appreciative because I feel other people might be in the same situation as me.I want to be heard thank you.

          1. Hi Yolanda. Employers have to pay for unemployment and their unemployment taxes raise when employees go under unemployment, which is probably why your employer reacted that way. Unfortunately, employers will sometimes terminate or cut an employee’s hours even more if they know that their employee is getting unemployment benefits. If your employer is acting in an unprofessional manner and refuses to assist you or take action (forcing you to stay in limbo) I suggest that you consult with an employment attorney. Most attorneys give free or very affordable consultations, so you can at least get an idea as to whether or not you can take action.

          2. I have the same problem. My ui claim said i no longer work for my company, when in fact i was. (Just reduced hours) i try to go back and edit my info but i was unable to. I also tried calling and nothing. But my boss was understanding and said it was a mistake that will likely be fixed at a later time. Edd application is complex and confusing. I never done it before…
            I am sure things will wourk out for both of us

      2. I live in California. My hours are reduced 25%. I know I can apply for partial unemployment. Can making too much disqualify me?

        1. That’s going to be entirely up to the CA unemployment office. You won’t know whether or not you qualify until you actually submit a form and they review your information.

          1. I am denied partial unemployment benefits. My work hours were reduced 25% (40 to 30 per week). This was for all hospital employees even doctors and nurses. 25% of higher earning positions is not equal to those of us at a lower pay grade, yet I still put in the same amount of hours, I travel 60 round trip to work 5 days a week and am now left with literally $5 a week to live on because of my financial obligations. I’m losing $780 a month that I will never recover. That’s apartment rent, utilities, car payment, gas and food! Our employer has no intention of making this up because they are trying to close their own $5,000,000 operating cost gap. We all began this sacrifice April 11, 2020 for an indefinite period of time. I understand that our non profit is trying to keep their head above water, but their boat rowers are drowning, too. I’m trying to understand why some completely unemployed and partial unemployment employees are receiving not only the qualified unemployment benefits, but an extra $600 per week. Yet, those of us who don’t qualify are still left to pull money out of thin air AND still having paying into taxes, which include unemployment benefits insurance. That’s like sucking air out of a spare tire, when the four tires on the car have slowly leaking holes. A 1 time $1,200 check won’t cover what I stand to lose. I see others sitting at home in comfort on the supplemented unemployment benefits, paying off debt, buying TVs, being able to save money and putting food on their shelves. It is true, I am responsible for my own financial obligatory decisions, but as others have been supported with a way to find solace, their is no relief for those of us left in the middle.

          2. I’m on unemployment and my employer is now paying me hourly wages after receiving a ppp loan even tho we are not working. I was a server before and making more money than this hourly wage. My question is when reporting these earnings because they are a bi weekly income do I report half of this wage every week or the whole 2 week check on 1 certification?

          3. Hi I am getting paid for 40 hours from my full time employer even though I’m not physically working. I work my other job 28 hours a week. Due to me not having childcare for my children I cannot handle the whole 28 hours. Can I get partial unemployment even through I still get paid for 40 hours from my full time job?

          4. It’s not likely that you’ll receive benefits because you’re still getting paid your normal salary from your employer. It’s up to you whether you want to apply, but you may get denied from unemployment insurance.

        2. I was getting a full 40 hrs.a week before Covid-19 and when this got bad my job cut my hours down to 32hrs. I filed unemployment and got approved but they say I make to much a week to get paid anything.

          1. Same here! My job cut my hours from 40 to 32 , but I was told I made too much money for the week when I filed for unemployment. This is not fair at all!

      3. So my company is all over the place with scheduling hours. I was cut to 25hours a week then… the company noticed we were still doing well at our store so they increased the hours each person can work. So I was put to 30 hours… Well now.. I’m working 35 hours a week. I’m still not working 40hours a week.. which is my norm. Am I still able to claim partial unemployment? I’m from cali. Btw.

        1. The only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply with the CA unemployment office. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package

    3. So I am an exempt manager for a big box retailer ..we have just been notified that our salaries are being cut because of the virus..Are we eligible for partial unemployment to compensate us for the loss.

    4. I really thought the company I worked for cared about myself and the other employees. The servers were offered a compensation package bit I was told it was only a one time payment. So I decided to stay on and continue to work. However I thought I would at least be making my $10/hrs. But to find out (noone told me this) that no hourly pay will be paid, everyone except the managers will make $2.13/hourly +tips. My hours have went done and so has how much money I am making. I feel like they do not care about us. They will have 4 or5 of us working “carside/carryout” but we have to split the tips equally. My earnings have dropped $400 to $500 a month. Can I get unemployment?

      1. I’m sorry to hear that. You can certainly apply for unemployment; however, there’s no way to know if you’re eligible for unemployment benefits until you actually apply. Every state has different requirements in regards to who is eligible. In order to find out if you’re eligible, apply– they will review your application and will let you know whether or not you will receive any benefit package.

    5. I work a part-time job as a dockworker for a major ltl carrier and due to the covid-19 have had reduction in work hours. My work week is mainly 28 to 30 hours a week but have been cut to 12 to 18 hours week I have been with the company for 8 years. My question is I was turned down for benefits because something about my base period was to low I make about $34000 a year how is that low?

      1. Unfortunately that is a question that only your state’s unemployment office can answer, since they are the people who reviewed your claim. Your unemployment agency looks at your base period of your previous calendar quarters when determining eligibility, and they must have seen something that didn’t make you qualify. I would recommend that you speak with someone directly in your office.

    6. Son is 18 was let go from a job before pandemic then moved out of state to be at home with me his mother not seeking part time work yet because of pandemic is he eligible for unemployment? I don’t believe he even had alot of earnings at that job

      1. Some states are actually not even requiring that people look for jobs right now, and your state might be one of them. Check on your state’s UI website– they’ll most likely have information posted there. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, so the only way to know whether he will receive benefits is to apply. The unemployment office will review his application based on his employment and income information he places on the application. From there, they will let him know whether he will receive benefits, including the length of his benefit package.

    7. I’ve had to self quarantine for the last month because my son is very high risk with the virus. My employer is still paying us a percentage of what we used to make but I’m definitely losing money and hours. I applied for unemployment because someone told me I might be approved for partial benefits. I wasn’t sure if I would be approved but I just got an email saying I was approved. But now I’m worried I’m going to get in trouble with my employer. They wouldn’t have approved me if I wasn’t eligible, right?!

      1. They certainly would not have approved you if your weren’t eligible. And, they will continue to ask you to update your employment information, so you’ll have the most-accurate information in the UI system. Also, have you looked into your PTO rights under the FFCRA? You might be eligible for more time off benefits.

    8. Hi.. I am 75 and have been working 2 days a wk at my neices dental office since Jan 2019..i only make 400 a month. I work 4 hrs a day 2x a week.
      I worked for 33 yrs and never collected unemployment compensation.. worked at same bank all my life.. I was turned down for unemployment comp because of my low salary.. I am self employed but President Trump said we could collect. I had to pay 628.00 this year when I did my taxes.
      It’s so important for me to work because I’m divorced with no children… so the 400 a month helps me.. why isn’t my sal important enough to collect.. this isn’t money to toss around.. it helps me from charging on my credit card.. thank you..

    9. What about if pay was cut (California) by 25%? That’s $800 less a month that I am bringing home. I can’t get through to ANYONE at EDD do I qualify for unemployment if I’m still working 40 hours a week just had my salary cut?

      1. Hi Elizabeth. The CA EDD website does indicate base salary requirements on their website, but they don’t specifically outline exact benefits because it truly varies person to person. You can check out this article by the EDD about base salary requirements, but they will still have to review the rest of your information to determine your eligibility.

    10. My company just recieved the PPP but isn’t paying us 100% of our pay. Can I claim partial unemployment?

      1. Unfortunately, the PPP loan might affect your unemployment. According to the congressional research service, “… Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businesses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. Therefore, the idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment because they’ll get paid with PPP money. So, long story short, you may or may not get affected, but it depends on your state’s unemployment rules. You can always file, you just might get denied.

  2. I am regular employee and my hours got cut tremendously. The past two weeks I have getting 20 hrs and the next week 17 hrs. This is truly killing me and not only that now I have to pay back the health insurance. Dillard’s does not treated in a right way. I am about to loose car and not have a place to live if this continue on.

  3. I’m wondering what unemployment benefits I might be eligible for:

    I’m being transitioned from full-time salaried employee to part-time hourly–up to 12 hours a week. However, it’s unlikely there will be any hourly work available for me to actually do in the coming weeks or months because my employer’s business is contracting. So I would be making no income, but not officially laid off.

    And I would not be able to specify any weekly income in order to apply for partial unemployment benefits.

    1. I would suggest speaking with your local unemployment office in regards to unemployment assistance and questions.

  4. Am I eligible for partial unemployment benefits if my employer is keeping me on full time (40 hours a week), but is significantly cutting my salary for a minimum of 6 weeks? I am grateful to still have some form of income, but because I am not technically unemployed or on reduced hours I’m worried I wouldn’t qualify.

    1. Hello. You will want to contact your state’s unemployment office directly so see what you qualify for, because rules vary by state.

      1. Hello, my employer has reduced my hours from full-time to part time (24 hours) due to the Corona virus. I was told I need to use my PTO time for the 3dats a week I should be working until it runs out. During that time I can apply for unemployment for the 2days a week that I’m not working. How do I do that? Do I apply as a full-time employee and note about the reduction in hours? They said after I run out of PTO, and we are ok to work again but I’m not needed then I could apply for full-time unemployment . So confusing!

        1. Hi Michelle. I would suggest speaking with your local unemployment office because they will best know how to guide you with your specific situation. Most states allow you to apply for partial unemployment benefits, but they each have their own guidelines. Go to this website and look up your state to see your state’s unemployment websites and phone numbers.

          1. My employer pays us sales guys as a draw against commissions every two weeks. He’s reduced that draw amount by 50% which is a 50k reduction. Even though its a “draw” my paybstubs say salary and he’s always paid us the same amounts except on a few occasions. I’m thinking I can apply for partial unemployment but not sure if the designation of a draw would disqualify me? I’m NJ by the way, thanks.

          2. Salaried and hourly employees can get unemployment benefits depending on their situations. I recommend that you speak with your local unemployment office directly because they will know if you are eligible for unemployment benefits.

        2. If im a bartendar but still am working for take out and im lacking 3 hours a week can i apply for unemployment?

          1. You can apply for unemployment. Applying for unemployment is the only way to know whether or not you’ll receive unemployment benefits from your state. Since each case is different, they will review your application individually and see if you qualify based on your earnings.

    2. You do qualify, so go ahead and file if you haven’t already. I’m in the same boat. I’m allowed to use vacation and PTO to cover lost wages however so I’m trying to find out if/when I need to stop doing that when filing for partial unemployment

    3. I have not had my hours cut and I get paid a base pay of 11.25 plus commission but my commission has severely dropped because of Coronavirus people simply are not shopping can I file for partial unemployment

      1. I worked two jobs one full time and one part time Before the virus Now my part time job said they were closed . But we would still get pay . But not things changed . Now got call plus letter stating I was being laid off and not sure if they re open if I would be called back. Would I be eligible for partial unemployment or no ?

        1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

    4. Unfortunately the Department of Labor told me that my boss can do whatever he wants to. He cut “certain people’s” hours and is taking money out “Just because”. That makes me not eligible for unemployment benefits. I lost about $300 per week, and we are living paycheck to paycheck. Many bills are deferred, but where is our help for the long run? My husband used to work here. He was flat out denied any assistance when they “stopped working him” and then my boss lied, and said he quit. IT’S VERY HARD STILL WORKING HERE, to say the least. We get NO HELP from Unemployment at all. I am SO SORRY that you are in the same boat. PRAY! That’s about all we can do right now. Oh, and write to out state representatives for some legal action to be taken to help us. Hang in there…EVERYONE GOING WITHOUT NOW!! Sending lots of Blessings to you!!

    5. Unemployment will ask for what you actually earned and the last amount you earned on the application. I believe the cares acts covers reduced hours, make sure you apply and answer all the questions truthfully. The unemployment office will verify with you, what your entitled to. Don’t delay

  5. We got an email at my job saying all salary employees are cut 25% of our pay until further notice because of the economy. We never shut down. I don’t get it. Best part about it is we got an email at 4pm today. No meeting or nothing just after we were all gone.

    1. Employers are technically allowed to cut pay and hours at any time; however, they must notify employees before this change. Put and hour cut notification rules vary by state– in most cases, and email notification is legal. I would suggest speaking with your local labor board for clarification.

      1. How do you know which states do this? I m in Georgia and have been cut down too 1/3 of my weekly pay. I would like to think that I can apply for partial since 1/3 is what I am losing.

      2. My employer put salary people on hourly and cut hrs from 40+ a week to 16hrs. I have signed up for partial unemployment every week but each week it says I have made to much to draw. I went from $624 a week take home to $191 a week. I don’t know if we can last much longer. The insurance that we have doesn’t pay anything until we have $7000 out of pocket cost and we are at a place where the cost of the company insurance isn’t worth having because we never meet the out of pocket. It’s a no win situation, damn if you do and damned if you don’t. I need a job but nothing is open and the company is applying for all the government loans but I guess they will probably keep it instead of keep paying us. Lost in Tennessee is getting hard when we thought it was going good. Just wish there was a better way than saying you made to much but not enough to pay bills and get food.

      3. So my employer has cut hours to 20 hours a week from 40 but has opted to pay us they said full time but our check only say 78 hours for the 2 week payperiod, I know I don’t qualify for regular benefits but would that qualify me for the covid releif fund?

  6. My company just laid off staff the majority of the staff and then turned around and cut the salaries by 50% for those who were not effected by layoffs. We were only given a verbal with no indication if this would be permanent or anything in writing. I am an exempt employee and head of my household. 50% is alot along with insurance and having to commute into the city. That is were all my money would go trying to get to work without be able to pay bills. If I don’t take the offer can I collect unemployment. Unemployment States that if companies don’t have Operating funds/orders I can collect. And at this time I work for a manufactures and customers are canceling orders. The affective pay period starts on April 1st and we have not received anything in writing. I am afraid if I work April 1 then they’re going to hold me to the new pay cut without anything in writing.

    1. In most cases, verbal salary cut notifications are okay, however, the law varies by state. Some states allow verbal communication, while others require pay cut notifications in writing. In that regard, I would suggest speaking with your local labor board about the legality of that situation. In regards to unemployment, you may qualify for partial unemployment benefits, but you would need to check with your state government (rules vary by state). Go to this website and search for your state’s location so you can take yourself to the correct unemployment website.

      1. It would be helpful if your answers involved more than “speak to your local state unemployment office”. For example, in cases of partial unemployment benefits, I’m sure each state either provides or doesn’t provide such benefits. I find it hard to believe there is no state by state summary of this information. Of course, each person will eventually need to speak with their state’s unemployment office but the info provided on your site seems unnecessarily thin. This comment is meant to be constructive and I hope you can and will beef up your information available to the many frightened people who until now have never been unemployed or have had salaries cut. Otherwise, just post a new website titled “Call your unemployment office” and just have a list of state phone numbers.

        1. I appreciate your constructive feedback and I understand your concerns and sympathy for those who are confused during these difficult times. We are aware that many employees are confused as to what they need to do to stay afloat, and we try to help as best as we can. As a time and expense tracking company, there’s only so much we can do to assist employees with something out of our specialization.

          According to my research (although I haven’t had the opportunity to look into every state law) I can confidently say that almost every single state does not outline how one can receive benefits. They keep this incredibly vague because each employee’s eligibility varies case-by-case. They have to review each application with each specific case in order to let the employee know whether or not they are eligible for unemployment benefits. This is why the answers indicate that employees must apply for unemployment or speak with the unemployment office to find out whether or not they will receive benefits—most of the time, that’s the only way they will actually know if they’re eligible.

          We appreciate your feedback and hope that you stay healthy during these stressful times.

          1. Hello. There is a specific formula that most states use to determine eligibility. You could be much more helpful if you answered these questions with those formulas. One of the partial unemployment questions noted below is about someone with wages cut from 135k to 100k. Of course they do not qualify for partial unemployment. They make way above any state formula. Still your answer was to contact state unemployment office. I am sorry, but your responses are of no help to any of these people. If you are not willing to do the “math” to answer these questions, then there is no need for anyone to reach out to you for help. I came to this website hoping for answers…. I don’t want to call unemployment office and risk losing my job because I am being greedy and I ungrateful for what we are being paid. However, my wages have been cut by 2/3rds. My gross is still above my states threshold so I do not quality for partial unemployment. My state pays next to nothing on unemployment so it doesn’t take much to gross above the threshold of 275. Again actually doing the math gave me an answer. That is what everyone here needs!

          2. Hello, I appreciate your feedback and I understand your concerns. We are aware that many employees are confused as to what they need to do to stay afloat, and we try to help as best as we can; however, as a time and expense tracking company, there’s only so much we can do to assist employees with something out of our specialization. That’s why my answers involve “speak to your state’s unemployment office,” because that’s really the only way to know if you’ll qualify. According to my research, I can confidently say that almost every single state does not outline how one can receive benefits. They keep this incredibly vague because each employee’s eligibility varies case-by-case. To address your your next question about algorithms, there is unfortunately no algorithm to find out if you’re qualified for unemployment in most sates. Again, that’s because they have to review everyone’s applications with their base period pay to figure out if they’re eligible. In California, for instance, there is absolutely no way to find out if you’re eligible until you actually apply. The only information they provide is that people must meet a certain amount during a standard base period to qualify. Even then, the employee still must apply for unemployment so they can determine their benefits. So, I’m not sure what state you reside in, but it’s great that your state has provided an algorithm for you. In other states, that information is simply not available. In fact, most state’s websites direct people to apply to see if they’re eligible, and that’s all. Ideally, an algorithm would be outlined on every state’s eligibility requirement website; however, that’s unfortunately not the case. If information was available to the public, I would try my best to assist those with questions; however, even then, I would want them to still check with someone from their unemployment office because they are the experts who actually decide if someone meets eligibility requirements. Secondly, I want to note that nearly every comment here on the article doesn’t mention what state that they reside in, so even if I could help them with information available to the public, I cannot because I don’t have a clue as to where they’re located. Lastly, you’re not going to get in trouble or seen as greedy if you apply for unemployment– in fact, the worst thing that will happen is that you’ll get denied unemployment from the unemployment office. Unemployment does not terminate you from your place of employment if you apply; your employer is the only person who can terminate you from your position. All in all, we will continue to help employees as much as we can with information that is available to the public. When we are presented with questions that we can answer confidently, we will follow through. Thank you for your concerns and I hope you have a great day.

  7. Hi, what about this scenario, a person makes $135k per year on salary but has the salary cut 25% due to the COVID-19. So they are still making around $100k. Would that person be able to file a claim based on the 25% cut?

    1. You would have to speak with your state government’s unemployment office directly so see whether you qualify.

  8. Regarding wage reduction due to coronavirus, how do I start process for significant reduction in wages?

    I tried applying for inempmoyment online but when it asked if i worked full time i answered no and did you earn at least $250 a week and i answered yes. It blocked me and said not eligible. I reD in new stimulus rules that i would be eligible for some benefits. How do I proceed?

    1. Partial unemployment benefits vary by state. I would suggest visiting your state’s employment office website to see if you qualify for a partial wage replacement benefit payments. If you need assistance with your application, I’m sure they must have a contact form or phone number to call for assistance.

  9. I work full time and received email notification that everyone hours will be cut 8 hours a week due to the Virus. We were informed must use 8 hours vacation time a week to supplement. Can they force you to use your vacation time instead of collecting unemployment

    1. Paid time off isn’t regulated by the federal government, so any time off regulations are dictated by your state’s government. In fact, according to the DOL, “Since employers are not required under the FLSA to provide any vacation time to employees, there is no prohibition on an employer giving vacation time and later requiring that such vacation time be taken on a specific day(s). Therefore, a private employer may direct exempt staff to take vacation or debit their leave bank account […] whether for a full or partial day’s absence, provided the employees receive in payment an amount equal to their guaranteed salary.” This means that your employer can most likely require you to use your vacation time. To be sure, I suggest checking with your state’s local labor board to check the legality of your situation. If you need further assistance, you can also speak with your HR representative.

      1. I live in Illnois, My hours were cut from 40 to 16 I was told I have use my PTO to make up the difference for the next few weeks. Can I apply for unemployment now? Or do I have to wait till my PTO bank is empty?

  10. I’m a full time employee that work at a hotel , We have remain opened because of Corona we barely have any guest I no longer work 40 hours a week I’m under 30 and management make us take lunch breaks that take me from working 5 hours a day to 4 and a half can I file for partial Unemployment ?

    1. Partial unemployment benefits vary by state. I suggest speaking with your state government’s unemployment office to see if you qualify for benefits.

  11. My hours got cut.
    And my pay was cut 20 #
    Do I qualified for benefits.
    It all was cause of the oil drop and the virus I supposed
    Anybody know thanks

  12. I just filled for partial unemployment on Friday my employer just told us we are closing after today how do I go back in and change my claim or should I wait till my claim is approved to change any thing??

    1. You should definitely speak with your local unemployment office. Every state has its own regulations, so it’s imperative that you speak with them for clarification.

  13. Do you know if we reduced salaries by 20% for exempt employees, could those employee’s enroll in partial unemployment?

  14. I have a question regarding partial unemployment insurance during Coronavirus. My employer was actually unaware that employees can file for partial unemployment due to the hours they have been cut. Currently a lot of us are working less than 40 even 20 hours and have filed for partial benefits. However my employer is approaching this from a standpoint of we are getting reimbursed our missing hours and is giving priority to the employees that are not filing for what available hours there are. Most of these employees are newer and less qualified for the work.
    My question is a two parter: is this legal for them to do, and how do I report it (I have already brought this up with the scheduler, if I complain anymore my job is at risk for not being a team player)

    1. I’m sorry to hear you’re in a sticky situation. Your employer can technically cut hours and pay at any time (as long as it doesn’t breach a contract), however, if your employer is specifically discriminating against employees, that can potentially be a legal issue. I would recommend bringing this up with the Department of Labor to sort this out if you feel as though your current representatives cannot help you.

      1. My employer closed her business on March 15, 2020, due to the coronavirus. She told me to file for unemployment. I did as I was told. As of April 5, 2020, My unemployment has been approved. My employer sent me messages, stating that I need to call and cancel my unemployment and if employment sends me a payment, I was told I have to denied payment because she said she’s going to start mailing me my paychecks instead of unemployment paying me. Can my employer force me to cancel or denied my unemployment benefits? Like I said my unemployment status is “Approved”!

        1. In most cases when something like this happens, it’s because your employer wants to keep their unemployment tax rate low. If your employer pays you directly, then they can prevent UI benefit charges. Now, is this illegal? I would suggest speaking with a legal counsel about your specific case.

  15. Hi i am a RN who was hired to work night shift three days per week 11 hours per night hours 5:30pm to 4am. However upon hire I was told orientation is conducted on day shift. I was informed my orientation hours will be 8a-4p Monday through Thursday for 9-12 weeks. I accepted the position and started on January 6 2020. I also hired a dayshift caregiver to care for my son who has traumatic brain injury.
    When I reported for the first clinical day I was informed my starting time for training hours would be 5:00am to 4:30pm. I informed my supervisor that I was not hired for stated hours. The supervisor excepted the hours of 8a-4p however unknowingly I was put at a disadvantage because the nurses started at 5:00am and by the time I arrived at 8:00am I was at a disadvantage of learning the necessary skills to initially place a dialysis patient on the machine. My hours had me arriving at patient turnover which was very fast and place me at a disadvantage of learning how to place a pt on a dialysis , prime the machine and work the snappy computer. Three weeks into my training on 1/28 I was transferred to night shift to train. I started on nights 5:30p-4:00am. I have to let my day care provider go and hire someone to care for my son during nights. When I arrived I had no preceptor, remember I’m new at this. I worked an entire week without a preceptor. I would ask questions to staff working on what to do how this work, and why etc. I spoke with the coordinator in regards to a preceptor one was assigned when I returned on the next working week. My preceptor didn’t talk much and didn’t explain information on how things work. I met with the coordinator again and was assigned a different preceptor this was working find I felt comfortable and was making progress in learning the skills needed. i was notified on 3/12 that I would be scheduled for dayshift From 3/16-3/20/20 8:30am to 4:30pm for webx training to prepare for skills test that would take place on Friday 3/20/20. Again I had to flip my schedule to find a day caregiver. During this time I was not on nights therefore I had to postpone my night shift caregiver.
    After testing and returning to night shift on Sunday 3/22, and 3/24 I noticed my preceptor was out. No notification of why. On Wednesday 3/25 I received a text from my manager notifying me I need to work day shift because my preceptor will be out on nights. My manager requested I not come in tonight (Thursday) however to come in on Friday dayshift to work with a preceptor. I informed her I have no day shift caregiver but I will work in seeing what I can do. During this time we are in the process of dealing with Covid19 schools closed and community restrictions. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in finding a person for day hours. I spoke with my manager and questioned why I was being subjected to missing 3 weeks of work due to another employee being out. I feel that I am entitled to file for unemployment d/t manager cannot confirm when preceptor will return and cannot confirm when I can return if I am not available for dayshift.
    Am I eligible to apply for unemployment while I search for another job?

    1. Hi Lorraine. Unemployment benefit eligibility would be entirely dependent on your state’s policies. I would suggest speaking directly with your local unemployment office, and you can find that info on this webiste: I want to note that most unemployment offices aren’t taking phone calls because they are overwhelmed, so you may have trouble through phone.

  16. Hello, I already receive partial benefits but recently got laid off due to the coronavirus. There is no information anywhere as to how to tell the DOL that I am not currently working anymore. The job I was receiving partial benefits for had closed in October 2019 and instead of giving the workers a severance package they just allowed us to do unemployment until it runs out. But I was receiving partial because be I found another job. But I was just laid off last week and tried to file this week stating that I have worked no hours during said week and no longer work. Therefore they put my account on HOLD. I’ve tried calling numerous times put it sounds like the phones have been taken off the hooks and also I’ve tried emailing them as well but still no answer. I am also under quarantine so NONE of the offices are open for in-person meetings. I don’t know what to do. I’m frustrated. I have no way to pay my rent this month without it.

  17. Hi,

    We got an email at my job saying all salary employees are cut 25% of our pay until further notice but still have to work 40 hours. Can i apply for partial unemployment?

  18. My son in law has always worked 40 (he was hired as full time) hours every week because of covid his hours were cut to 30. Can he receive partial unemployment?

  19. So my employer decides to cut hours for hourly paid employees 40hrs to 20hrs(because of Covid-19), tho we only got 20 because of our branch mgr. They were only gonna offer 8 to 10hrs a week and/ or put make some of us “on call”. I do know they can cut hours anytime. But then decided to give back all hrs and tell us to work harded because they didnt think so many would apply for unemployment and dont want us to receive it. Is there thing to do about that? Or is it just morally wrong to do?

    1. It’s unfortunate, but it does not sound like this is an illegal situation. It’s up to you whether or not you want to work for the same pay, working harder. If you want to get more advice, you could speak with a legal counsel.

  20. My hours were just cut in half down from 50. Can I collect partial unemployment AND find a part time job until business ramps up when Covid is gone?

  21. My hours cut from 40 hours to 25 hours per week temporary. I am applying for UI. One question the state ask is if I’m looking for a job. How do I answer that yes or no. Because I suppose to go back to full time once things gets better.

    1. I would suggest that you ask an employment lawyer or speak with your unemployment office directly with your questions.

  22. So I am a nurse I make an hourly wage. I was told due to the virus we would be taking a 25% pay reduction. But still work daily. I am putting in at least 40 hours a week. Am I able to file for loss of wages?

    1. You should be able to file for partial unemployment, but your benefit eligibility is up to your state’s unemployment rules. Contact your state’s unemployment office to find out whether or not you’re eligible.

  23. So I am confused I heard that if you voluntarily left your job because of the COVID-19 or had your hours cut you can file for unemployment benefits. So what if you still work full time but lost half of your pay now because of the COVID-19 can you still collect parcel unemployment benefits. It dose say you can but I was denied.

    1. Your unemployment eligibility depends on what state you live in. I would suggest that you try to speak with someone from your local unemployment office about your concerns. They would know whether or not you qualify for benefits.

  24. I applied for partial benefits and my weekly benefit amt is $450/week. Do I have to make less than that in order to get any payment from EDD? Or, is that the amount I get if I work less than 40hrs/wk? I make more than $450 in one 8hr shift, but last week I only worked 20hrs, not full 40hrs, which I still made over way over the $450. I’m just curious how it works. Thanks.

  25. Due to the Covid-19 situation and my sons school closing my job will only pay 2/3 my pay for up to 10 weeks since I must stay home with him. Do I qualify for partial unemployment?

    God bless everyone and be safe.

    1. Hi Tameka. The best way to know if you’ll qualify for partial unemployment benefits is if you speak with your local unemployment office. Rules and regulations vary by state, so it’s vital that you speak with them to find out if you qualify.

    2. My Employer is cutting out hours a day or 2 out of the week depending on the amount of patients we see. However, even though it’s not per our own request they are making us use our PTO time. According to our manager it’s because we won’t be able to take it after the volume goes back up. Is that even legal? I mean even if they don’t approve any time off later, I am a mother and emergencies arise I will be stuck later when I don’t have my PTO. I feel they are trying to avoid anyone applying for partial unemployment it there’s such thing is n NY but it’s simply unfair to us all Frontline workers.

      1. Technically an employer can require employees to use their PTO. In most cases, however, an employer cannot force an employee to use PTO if it’s part of their FFCRA benefit package. Employers are required to give employees time off through the FFRCA, and you can read more about it here: So, if you need time off at another time, you will be covered.

  26. Hi! I lost my full time job because of COVID 19.
    I work part time as health care assistant and I have 24 hours a week with $360 a week.
    Can I be eligible for part time unemployment insurance if my working hours are from 8PM to 8AM two times but in four different days?
    I work two shifts with 12 hours, but they are separated in four days.
    Thank You

    1. Hi Janet. I recommend that you speak with someone from your local unemployment office. UI benefits vary by state, and some states have adjusted their unemployment requirements because of the COVID-19 outbreak– so you may be eligible.

    1. We try to help as best as we can, but there are some questions that we simply cannot answer. Answers indicate that you must speak with your unemployment office because states have their own regulations, and most states have adjusted their policies even more because of the coronavirus. Most states won’t let you know the qualifications for unemployment until you actually apply– they aren’t going to map out eligibility because people can potentially take advantage. This is why the best place for specific questions will always be best answered by your actual unemployment office. We would rather send you to the real experts who understand their policies the best.

      1. I filed for unemployment and its pending and now my employer is sending us checks but mines only $150 a week. I know I will get partial unemployment but am I still entitled to the extra $600 an week? I can’t survive on $275 a week.

        1. It’s with my understanding that you’ll receive the $600.00 a week alongside your UI benefit package under the CARES act.

  27. During this epidemic, can you collect unemployment if you get laid off but the company is still paying your salary being a manager? This did not make any sense to me since she’s still getting paid.

    1. In most cases, employees can ideally only qualify for unemployment benefits if they were laid off (with no pay), had significant hour decreases, or received pay cuts. If an employee is still earning their original salary, that most likely won’t allow an employee to receive unemployment benefits. Although it sounds like that employee will not receive benefits, unemployment benefits are really decided by each state in a case-by-case basis.

  28. I am a salaried employee. Our company communicated to us today that there will be across the board paycuts to prevent layoffs. There is not reduction of hours and we are still expected to do the same work for the reduced paycut amount.

    Are we eligible for unemployment benefits even though we wouldnt be looking for additional work? We typically work 50-60 hours a week throughout the year, so finding additional work with Covid-19 and working so much regularly would be hard/impossible.

    State is North Carolina if that helps.

    1. You would have to apply to North Carolina’s unemployment program to see if you’re eligible for any benefits. They determine your eligibility after you apply and they have a chance to review your case. You can find their website here:

  29. My husband was informed that because of the virus impact on business he would be getting a $2/hour pay cut till this passes ( he already took $2/hr 2 years ago because the business slowed down) Can he file for partial unemployment? Do companies usually fire an employee, sorry “push them out” when they do that?

    1. Partial unemployment benefits vary by state, so his eligibility would be up to your state’s unemployment office. After he applies, they will review his case and will determine if he’s eligible and then will let him know what benefits he will receive. Companies may or may not terminate “at will” employees if they file for unemployment benefits. It does cost employers money, which is why they don’t like it when employees file for unemployment.

  30. Hi,
    I was currently having 2 jobs, both of them part time. One of my jobs closed because Covid-19. My manager told me to apply for unemployment but since I have another job. I don’t know if I can apply. Also on my other job I ask for more hours because I’m not currently having the other job and I have more time. My manager gave more hours, I was having around 33hrs instead of my 15 hours I was getting. But since this pandemic is coming worst she start to giving me now 20. Can I apply to partial unemployment since I lost one job and in the other one I get less hours of what I was getting?

    1. Hi Mariella. You are going to have to apply for partial unemployment with your state’s unemployment office to figure this out. After they review your application, they will be able to let you know whether or not you qualify for any benefits.

  31. I am a medical assistant full time employee at a doctor’s clinic, but my employer will be starting to reduce our hours starting next week due to the COVID19 pandemic. I heard about the Partial Unemployment Status for employees who are still considered as full time workers but the hours or days are just getting cut temporarily. I kept on searching for the form but I could not find the right form for the Partial Unemployment Status for Hawaii. The only form that would show on the internet is that for the employer to fill out, verify that the filing person works for them, then signs the form. The form would also state that the office addressed to should receive it within five working days upon filling out the application. Please help me find the right application form. Thank you.

    1. According to the State of Hawaii’s website, you must file a claim on their main website like anyone else would: After you submit your form, they will send FORM UC-348 to your employer, where they will have to complete steps on their end (and verify your work information).

  32. Hello,
    I have a full time job and few part time jobs teaching at few gyms. I still have my full time job but lost my part time jobs (teaching at the gym) due to covid-19. Can I apply for unemployment benefits for the lost part time jobs?

    1. You can apply for unemployment benefits; however, you aren’t guaranteed benefits. Your state will decide what your benefit package will be once they view your application with your employment and other information. Upon their review, they will let you know whether or not you’ve met their guidelines and what benefits you will receive.

  33. Hi, i was laid off & received my separation notice so i file my unemployment claim, then a week later the owner stated that he was about to file a claim on me also. He said that he had to & i told him no he doesn’t because i was laid off..he did it anyway. Now today he asked me to come to work a little with no guarantees so i refused, now he’s saying he’s not going to submit anymore weekly claims for me. In which he didn’t have theht to file me & forcing my claim to be overridden. What can i do?

    1. You may have to file an appeal with your state’s unemployment office and let them know about your situation. They will review your claim and they will let you know whether or not you passed the appeal process.

  34. Hi Lindsay, I am so happy to come across this site. I have been trying to contact NJ unemployment through e mails, got no response and phone, only recordings can I get, no person. I work for a school system as a para and get paid a salary which I am still getting paid. Since I am single and only have my income to make ends meet I also work another part time job that has closed due to Covid19. Can I collect unemployment for my part time job even though I’m getting my salary from the school system? Please help!

    1. According to Jew Jersey’s laws, they will only let you know if you’re eligible after you apply for claims. They will take a look at your current situation and will then determine whether or not you’re eligible and what types of benefits you can receive based on the information you enter. Since you’re a school employee, you also have to keep in mind that they have distinct eligibility requirements. You can find them here:

  35. Hi,
    I can’t seem to find the answer to this question anywhere. So I am a 1099 worker at a mental health clinic. I receive 50% of the insurance claims that are paid out. Insurance companies have up to 90 days to pay out. This means a check I might get today, would be for work I did up to three months ago. Due to the pandemic, My hours have been cut down drastically. However, due to the nature of how I get paid, this won’t impact my pay until june or july. My question is, how do I report this for the PUA verification? If they ask for a recent check stub, it will show I havent lost pay. But right NOW I HAVE lost hours its just that since it takes so long to get paid for the hours I’m working NOW, It wont impact my pay yet. Do I report a check I get now for work I did in the past? Or do I report the hours I am working NOW? I will have almost no income in June if they count the check I’ll be getting from before the pandemic.

    1. You will have to speak with your state’s unemployment office to see if you’re eligible and what you can do to file your claims properly. Your state determines what unemployment benefits you are eligible for, how much assistance you’ll receive, and how long you can receive these benefits. If you’re an independent contractor in California, for instance, you have to file a normal unemployment claim first (if you’re not sure) to see what kind of benefits you’ll receive. After that, they will guide you as to what actions you need to take to receive benefits. In most cases you will just have to file a claim first to see how your state views your case.

  36. I work in supply chain for a major oil and gas operator. I took a $7k annual pay cut when I merged from a contractor to a full time employee and within my first 2 weeks of becoming a full time employee I received a 30% annual pay cut caused from Covid-19 and the oil price wars amongst Saudi Arabia and Russia. Am I eligible for partial unemployment benefits?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Your eligibility is up to the state in which you reside. Your state determines what unemployment benefits you are eligible for, how much assistance you’ll receive, and how long you can receive these benefits. That being said, you will have to apply for benefits with your state– they will review your information and determine whether or not you’re eligible for assistance.

  37. I have a full time job and another few part time jobs of teaching at gyms. Due to covid19, I lost my part time job and I am available to do the part time job. However I still have the full time job. Can I apply for unemployment benefits for the lost part time jobs due to covid19?

    1. You can apply for unemployment. Applying for unemployment is the only way to know whether or not you’ll receive unemployment benefits from your state. Since each case is different, they will review your application individually and see if you qualify based on your earnings.

      1. I recently was laid off and was told to file unemployment so I did, one week later I received a call back saying my employer wants to hire me back because of a ppp loan and they have to have proof of rehires When I arrive to the office to be hired back I’m told my hourly rate will be reduced by 20%, and they actually have no work for me at all, so I’ll be at home and after 8 weeks there going to lay me off again. If I refused the job they would let unemployment know. My question is how can they hire you but have no work, I feel like that’s a threat and I have to take it, or my family won’t eat what should I do.

        1. If you decided to not work for your employer, that may look like you “quit” your job to the unemployment office. In most cases, you aren’t eligible for unemployment if you quit your job. Additionally, your employer may let the unemployment office know that you are no longer an employee, because that will change their FUTA tax information (and other employer info). I would say that you should ask an employment lawyer for advice regarding what your steps would be.

  38. I receive an hourly wage full-time and also I make commissions on sales. The commissions are 1/3 of what I’m paid every month. I live in California. Covid-19 has caused our brick and mortar location where I work to close. I am working full-time from home helping out with back office work and can’t earn commissions since we’re closed. Essentially, my pay has been reduced even though I still work the same amount of hours. I tried to apply for partial unemployment since I cannot do the job I was hired for at this time. However, when it comes down to selecting a reason for my application, which would be reduced wages (not reduced hours), there is no selection. I don’t want to falsify my application. What do I do? I can’t afford to live in my house and pay bills without that additional money.

    1. That’s an interesting question. Have you tried calling the unemployment office? They have a phone number (1-800-300-5616) in which you can call to file a claim. I’m thinking that the representative will assist you to help ensure that the form is willed out correctly.

  39. What should a person do if u work two part time jobs one job is 27 hours and the other is like 25 but one job cuts your hours because of the virus down to 9 to 14 hours and the o e job file for u to get unemployment. What should I do

    1. You can apply for unemployment with your state to see what benefits you’ll receive and, ultimately, if you’re eligible for benefits. After they review your earnings, hours, and other employment information, they will determine your benefits.

    2. Hi Lindsay, my hours at work have been cut due to the pandemic and I have applied for unemployment successfully, however, my employer is applying us for the Payment Protection Program. Can I be enrolled in both programs?

      1. Self-employed and contracted (1099) employees are eligible for both loans; however, most employees who don’t fall under that category will not have eligibility. In most cases, if you apply for unemployment and the PPP program and receive a PPP loan, you must then withdraw from unemployment.

  40. My jobs has cut my hours and making me use my PTO. Am I able to keep my PTO and just file partial unemployment

    1. State and local law would answer this question– so you would have to check with your local labor board. In California, for instance, employers have the right to require employees to use their PTO. On the other hand, in some states, employers cannot require employees to use their PTO until after they’ve used the hours Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (if eligible). After you check with your local labor board, you can then determine if you would want to apply for unemployment. Your state determines what unemployment benefits you are eligible for, how much assistance you’ll receive, and how long you can receive these benefits.

  41. Are salaried employees who have had their salary reduced eligible for partial unemployment? Still working the same hours just less pay. Cant get through to Michigan’s employment office

    1. They won’t let you know whether your not you’re eligible for unemployment benefits until you actually apply for unemployment. Generally, In Michigan, you may be eligible for benefits if you have an hour or pay reduction. They will review your application along with your employment information, and they will let you know what benefits you’ll receive. Keep in mind that your state requires employees to file for unemployment based on their last names. You can find more info here:,5863,7-336-78421_97241_98585—,00.html

  42. I’m a school bus aide, normally 25 hours a week. Was layed off because of the virus, I’m getting unemployment and the $600.00 from the gov. The bus company called me and said township paying them so they are paying me 25 hours week but I’m still not actually working. Can I still collect unemployment and the $600.00?

    1. If you are technically getting paid normally by your employer, there’s a chance that you won’t receive benefits because you didn’t receive any pay cuts. The only way to know for a fact if you’re eligible is if you actually apply for unemployment. If it turns out you are eligible, your employer will get notified. If your employer knows that you have unemployment benefits while simultaneously getting paid normally, they may stop your payments.

  43. My employer just cut our hours from 58 hours a week to 28 hours. I asked to use my vacation hours to make up the hours lost. We are scheduled to work 24 hours but the company is paying us for 28. Do I have any options to make up the lost hours?

  44. Can I apply for Unemployment if just my pay was cut and not my hours. Are wages were cut 20% and Im losing over 300 a week.

    1. Hi Kelsi. You can apply for unemployment with your state to see what benefits you’ll receive and, ultimately, if you’re eligible for benefits. After they review your earnings, hours, and other employment information, they will determine your benefits.

  45. Hi … I am a barber and I get paid a percentage based off how many heads I cut. Since Covid-19, I was told by employer to apply for unemployment. 2 weeks into that, my employer asked us to stop filing. That they would pay is a rage based off our average over the last 6 months. For me, it’s almost the exact same amount of unemployment, but every 2 weeks instead of weekly! What do I do ?

    1. Unemployment causes employers to pay taxes, so that might be the reason why your employer would prefer that you don’t use unemployment– but we can’t really be sure. If you’re not working for your employer and you’ve seen an hour or pay reduction, you can still file for unemployment. However, if you are technically still getting paid by your employer, you might not qualify for unemployment. Basically, your two choices are: Stay with your current employer and get paid the agreed-upon wage (as long as it’s at least equivalent to your local/state’s minimum wage) OR keep unemployment benefits and refuse the wages from your employer. Did your employer notify you of any consequences if you don’t repeal your unemployment request? You will just have to weigh the options to see what is better for your situation. Maybe speak with your employer and ask why they are taking those actions.

  46. My salary was cut to 50% as of April 6th so I applied for unemployment and received payments. My boss notified me today that they secured a PPP loan and will be back paying me from the date of the cut. Do I have to return the Unemployment money?

    1. There are certain cases where you will have to pay back your unemployment earnings, such as if they paid you when you should have been ineligible for benefits. In some states, like Minnesota, recipients must pay back all overpaid benefits, regardless of fault. Your state agency will let you know if you have to pay back any funds.

  47. I’m in Texas, my company is considered and essential business, and all the hourly employees hours have been reduced. Most from 40 to 35 hours a week. Though it doesn’t sound like much, it adds up to almost $300 per moth for me that I will lose. I applied for unemployment and was accepted, but, apparently I make too much, even with the cut in hours, to get paid. Is there anything else I can do?

    1. Forgive me for being confused, but you make much income to receive unemployment benefits? You can potentially try to appeal the unemployment claim that you originally filed, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll receive benefits after that process is done.

  48. I’m 8n NC and My company put me on UI due to covid19 and I was getting UI benefits. Now my company has decided to stop the benefits and they are paying me my regular normal salary even though I’m not working. Am I still eligible for the UI or the extra $600/ week?

    1. If you’re not actually working, but you’re still receiving pay like you normally would, it sounds like you most likely would not be eligible for unemployment benefits. In North Carolina,you must meet four eligibility requirements: 1) You must be unemployed due to no fault of your own (DES will make this determination based upon information provided by you and your last employer) 2) You must be considered monetarily eligible (earned sufficient wages to establish a claim) 3) You must be physically able, available and actively seeking work 4) You must register for work with your resident state’s job service office. The unemployment office will review your employment information and may decide that you do not need extra assistance, but you will not know that for a fact until they review your information.

  49. My employer cut our pay by 24% and still has us on as full time with some of us still getting Overtime. We were advised by our employer that we would still qualify for partial unemployment here in Texas. However, after a recent filing, then denial this has been shown not to be the case. Is there a guidebook or a definitive place to get information on this? Getting through to speak to someone is almost impossible especially as some of us are working full time still.

    1. Unfortunately only Texas’ unemployment office will know why you weren’t able to receive benefits. They should notify you as to why you weren’t accepted, and you can appeal their response as well.

  50. Hi, my employer received the cares act money to pay us our 40 hours pay. Do I still continue to fill unemployment through the state because I’m only working 19 hours a week? Louisiana

    1. If you’re still getting your normal pay, but you’re not working the same amount of hours, it’s unlikely that you’ll receive benefits. You can try applying to see what happens. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  51. If a person was working part time on two jobs and was laid off on the minimum wage job but still working the job that pays 20+ an hour can they still draw unemployment? thanks

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  52. I have a technical full time job and they have stated we will be paid until the 30th of April for sure , I had applied for unemployment benefits and received my first payment before this was told to us. I sent in a request to no longer get payments from UI and nobody has reached out and instead they sent me a notice to certify from previous 2 weeks. Not sure what to do because I was also told we might stay out of work till May 18 or longer and those weeks haven’t been discussed to be paid for employees. How do I go about this? Do I continue to certify ? Do I stop? Will I have to reopen my case if they decide not to pay us ?

    1. I’m not sure what state you live in, therefore I can’t look up your state’s information. After you apply for UI benefits, they ask that you re-new your information every 2 weeks– which is why they sent you a notification. If you fill out the certification form and they see that you’re still making income, they’ll just most likely stop your UI benefit package. If it turns out that you’ll need unemployment, depending on what state you’re in, you will just have to re apply.

  53. Hi was laid off from my job which i Iost due to the virus i been there only 1 month can still file for ump? I was also given a letter from my Job to give to ump if thay need it.

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  54. I am a salaried employee but die to COVID-19 I am only working 3 days per week, around 24 hours, am I able to collect unemployment for the other 2 days. And would the extra $600 per week apply to my situation?

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  55. I’m collecting unemployment benefits due to the corona virus. N my company decided to do a one time payment and pay me because they made an error and won’t take their money back. Will I lose my unemployment benefits. They said it was a one time pay because they made an error and deposit money in my account. Please help

    1. I’m not sure. You will update your UI account every 2 weeks, and they might see the payment as extra income– which could stop your UI benefits. Your eligibility is going to be entirely up to your state’s unemployment office, so you can’t know if it impacts your eligibility until you update your information and they review your employment info.

  56. I am currently collecting partial unemployment in New Jersey.

    1) if one week I used by PTO and this supplemented my full work week… did I still need to certify for partial unemployment for that week?

    2) Also, when certifying for this week do they want the hours you work or the hours I did not work and how do you get the dollar amount figure???

  57. My question is whether I am eligible for partial unemployment compensation when I would typically work 60-65 hours per week and due to COVID19 my hours are strictly at 40 per week at the moment. I am employed in Pennsylvania.

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  58. So I’m a bartender/barback in upstate New York I’m currently laid off and collecting unemployment. My boss called me and told me that they got a loan and will be putting everyone who comes back to work on salary. So I guess my question would be do I lose my unemployment if I say no and what if my salary is way lower then what I normally took home what do I do ?

    1. If your boss is paying you and you’re still employed, you cannot receive UI benefits. However, if you’ve noticed a decrease in your salary, you may be eligible. The only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package. There’s even a handy benefit calculator you can utilize to see how much you can earn:

  59. My boss is going to fire me when she finds out I filed for partial unemployment. I have 4 children and only work about 15 hours a week. I quit after a year of my last boss (same job. Just got a new boss.) Cussing in my face and yelling at me. We’re not allowed over time so I worked my butt off but only for 39.5 hours. We t back after 3 months and got a demotion for punishment but still had the hours. Only part time pay. Now for the new boss. She hired 10 new people so there are no hours for anyone unless you’re full time. She’s hateful and is constantly being condescending. What should I do? I just filed but I think I should cancel because she will fire me as soon as she finds out. We can’t make it on that much money though. Less than $100 a week for Bill’s and 4 children.

    1. Although it’s not ideal, if your employer fires you, you’re certainly eligible for unemployment benefits. It’s entirely up to you if you want to try and receive partial benefits while simultaneously working for your employer. Your employer cannot cancel your unemployment benefits, so you don’t have to worry about losing that. Ultimately, the decision is up to you.

  60. Hi Lindsay! My husband was unemployed because of the coronavirus – he was working at a restaurant previously. He has since accepted another job (as figure a job is better than no job) and it is considered full-time, but will be making around 40-50k less than before, which becomes challenging with bills etc. can he collect partial employment to make up for some of the difference? Thank you!

    1. Hi Michelle. Unfortunately, that’s going to be up to your state’s unemployment office.The only way to know whether he will receive benefits is determined only after he applies. The unemployment office will review his application based on his employment and income information (since it’s quarter-based, he might get some benefits, but we can’t be entirely sure). From there, they will let him know whether he will receive benefits, including the length of his benefit package.

  61. I recently filed for partial unemployment, but I’m not sure how to file my weekly hours because our pay week goes from thursday to wednesday. Do I only include hours from each pay week or do I have to file hours worked from Sunday to Saturday?

    1. That’s going to be up to your state’s weekly claim guidelines. They should post that information on the application/form.

  62. When filling out the form for unemployment due to reduced hours, it asks when your last day of work was. If the employee is still working, with reduced hours, do we put the date the hours were cut, or yesterday’s date?

  63. I’m full time hourly and my hours were reduced from 40 to 24 due to covid 19. Can I use PTO for the 16 hours and still file for partial unemployment?

    1. That would actually depend on what state you reside. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  64. I work in retail and job is considered non-essential so we had to close. I’m full time and was told we are still getting paid . Do I qualify for unemployment. I work in mass.

    1. If you’re getting paid, it’s likely that you will not receive benefits. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  65. When ask by the unemployment application. How many hours per week I work that means only my regular hours or with my overtime hours as well?

    1. You may want to consult with your state’s unemployment representatives to receive guidance.

  66. I was laid off for a week, so my understanding is that I can claim unemployment for that one week furlough due to Coronavirus. Also, due to the virus, our Overtime was cut, that was 20 hours per week at time and a half. Can I claim unemployment for those lost OT hours, even though I am allowed to work 40 hours from home now? Thanks so much for your help!

    1. Hi Jules. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  67. I filed unemployment because my full time job placed employees on furlough. I have have aonther job which is part time job that I work PRN. Such I report these earnings?

  68. Hi Lindsay –
    My salary has experienced a temporary reduction of 25% due to COVID-19. It is my understanding that I can receive partial unemployment benefits. However as of now, my company plans to pay back its employees this salary reduction (not guaranteed though). If I receive partial unemployment, but I end up getting my reduced salary back, will there be any negative implications? Especially when it comes to tax season? Thank you!

  69. I work 2 part time jobs, I got laid off on one of the jobs because of the Corona virus, but I still work part time for the other company, I’m I able to receive unemployment benefits, and also when I report every week do I report the hours on the one job, or report the hours of the company that laid me off, confuss

  70. I work in retail and get paid every 2 weeks. I’m a full time employee and my job site is closed but I’m still getting compensated . Do I still qualify for unemployment benefits?

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  71. I have had my hours reduced to 31 per week. I have filed with my state’s Unemployment Insurance Department, have registered with Job Services and performed all required tasks. I have been told that my earnings reduced my weekly benefit amount to nothing.
    Is there a program, Federal or Wisconsin, that can help me?

  72. I am a server and was laid off mid march due to COVID 19 . i have been collecting unemployment for several weeks. My employer has recieved a PPP loan and i recieved my first payment this past Friday. I have not returned to work and have not recieved a paystub to see how the number was determined or any of that info and the owner will not respond after ive reached out.The amount i was given from employer isless than my base rate for UI . can I continue to claim to make up that difference in pay?

  73. I was full-time prior to Covid-19. On unemployment since. Employer qualified for PPP loan. Said I must get off unemployment for him to qualify for forgiveness. Wants to hire me back for 10-20 hours a week. I was under the impression that a contingency of forgiveness for the PPP loan was that all employees need to be placed back on payroll at their previous status, whether there is work or not. He said there is little in the way of SBA guidelines for this loan right now and that’s the best he can do. I would rather return to full-time work again and use the unemployment later in the fall if needed.

    Now the bills are coming due May 1st and he has taken me off unemployment. The additional $600 weekly stimulus money put me close to what I was making prior to covid-19, which I believe was the intent. Can I still get unemployment for the difference in hours and still qualify for the weekly stimulus money?

  74. I work two jobs, my first job I work 30 hours a week and my second job is a part-time catering company. I haven’t been working my part time job due to the covid-19. am I qualified for partial unemployment?

  75. Dear Lindsay,
    Thank you for this blog and all your work here. I work in engineering and was making “my money” with overtime. With Coronavirus to the o.t. dried up, the my hours were cut to 32 but I still can’t collect (nor the $600) because I still make more than N.J.’s $713 u.i. benefit. Perhaps I should take 1 PTO day/week.

    1. Hi Russel, can you explain a little further as to what you mean by taking 1 PTO day a week?

  76. Hello hope everything is going well;
    I was a share ride driver and due to the Covid-19 I stop doing it and found a PT job instead. I had already apply for the school bus driver position here in Vegas way before and they call me for interview and I passed it and now they send me the link to proceed with the aplicattion which is for the FBI background check.

    If I leave my PT job to go to the school district for 2 weeks training do I will be able to qualify for unemployment since there is no school?

    1. Unfortunately the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  77. Hello Linday, I need enlighten me. I got furloughed last April 1st and started getting ui benefits after 12days. Today, April 27 got an email from the HR that will be back on Payroll starting April 21 with a reduced hour of 32hrs from 38hrs for 8weeks or 4 paychecks. Is it possible to decline them and ask them to get me out of payroll for the meantime since what I’m getting from the ui is way more since I get an extra $600 on top of my bi weekly claims and it’s a huge help during this time of crises.

    1. Hi, there. If you’re back on payroll, you certainly won’t receive UI benefits; however, you might be eligible for partial benefits if you’ve received a pay or hour reduction. That will be determined by your state’s unemployment office. The decision to decline payment from your employer is entirely up to you– but I want to warn you that they might not be entirely thrilled paying unemployment taxes for your unemployment benefits. This is really a conversation you should have with your employer so you can understand the repercussions of denying your employer’s payment.

  78. I’m a hairdresser in CA that works for a salon as a commission stylist. Well technically I’m hourly plus commission now- but I still get the same overall percentage of my sales. Anywho, I’ve been on unemployment for a month now, and my salon is telling everyone we will now be getting paid hourly. I’m concerned that if I do accept this, that I will no longer have unemployment benefits. I’m concerned about this bc it’s very possible that when the restrictions are lifted, I will be unable to perform my services immediately. I am extremely claustrophobic and will more than likely only be able to handle a mask- not faceshields and smocks (having my arms uncovered helps with the claustrophobia). I am skilled in other areas and am willing to find other work in the meantime if that does happen. BUT if I accept this payment, would it be like I’m quitting if I can’t work due to the restrictions? If I quit, I will not be able to have access to unemployment while I find another position. I’ve worked so hard for so many years and I hate to leave the salon even temporarily, but if it comes to that I want to have done everything I can to protect myself financially. Of course, if I stay on and we have reduced hours, I’ll be eligible for partial unemployment. Basically I’m just looking for advice before I cash a check from the salon and have to certify my unemployment weeks and see what it does to my eligibility. Thank you so much for any information you may have ❤️ Also I realize this is similar to the comment above it, just figured I would see if you have any other thoughts. Thank you!

    1. Hi, you hit some great points. Ultimately, the decision will be yours as to whether you stay at the salon or not. You’re correct when you say that you won’t receive benefits if you quit your job, so that might not be the best option if you’re concerned about income. At that point you would be out of a job and will not receive any form of income. You can always take the hourly payment and apply for partial unemployment benefits. If your pay or hours are reduced, there’s a chance that you can still receive a benefit package.

    2. Can the 600$ a week be back tracked? Meaning I applied in March and the extra 600 started the week ending April 4th, and my job barely received my claim from EDD on May 1st which is the last week my hours were cut.

  79. We have been furloughed since the middle of March I have been receiving my unemployment plus the additional 600 the state of Nevada is providing to people. My employer just contacted us to let us know that they will be paying us 60 hours every two weeks because they just got approved for the small business loan. I’m not the smartest person in the world but to me something just sounds very fishy about why they are paying us at 60 hours every two weeks when we are literally getting paid way more every week. What am I missing I cannot put my finger on it……
    …Oh and another thing I noticed when I was filing there were no questions pertaining to what my employer is about to do there’s a question that asked if you worked which we haven’t and then there’s a question that asks if we’re going to be getting severance pay PTO vacation etc none of that pertains to the paycheck they’re giving us every 2 weeks I’m so confused……
    Any feed back is greatly appreciated tia

  80. I work at a dealership and my pay is solely commission-based. We had reduced work hours for a few weeks and were able to claim partial unemployment. Now we are returning to normal work hours, but our pay is still less (and will continue to be) than 50% of what it would normally be for quite some time. Are we still able to claim partial unemployment because of this?

    1. Unfortunately, the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is by applying. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  81. I have two part time jobs….due to coronavirus I might loose one part time job …can I collect unemployment.they were both eaqual amount of hours

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, and the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is determined only after you apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  82. Hi Lindsay,
    Thanks for posting such great info!
    I had a part-time job at a resale shop before the coronavirus problems. The shop closed due to the stay at home order (Illinois). Now I received an email that my boss wants to prepare to reopen but I no longer feel safe touching used items that could be infected with coronavirus. I’m currently getting unemployment. What if I refuse to return right now? Will I stop getting unemployment if I am laid off due to refusing to return because I fear for my safety?

    1. You most likely will continue to qualify for unemployment as long as you don’t quit your current job. However, your qualification is ultimately up to your state’s unemployment office.

  83. My husband was reduced about 5 ton6 hours a week.
    Can he apply unemployment ? This is in California

    1. Hi Janice, unfortunately your husband will only know if he will receive benefits after submitting an application with the CA UI office. The unemployment office will review his application based on his employment and income information he places on the application. From there, they will let him know whether he will receive benefits, including the length of his benefit package.

  84. My job reported to unemployment that we were open And working and we aren’t! They are trying to pay us 75% of our wages every 2 weeks out of their pockets!! It’s not fair nor does it make any sense. But I would assume it’s because they don’t want to pay unemployment taxes at tax time.

    1. Whatever their reasoning is, you should still be able to apply for partial unemployment if you’ve received pay cuts. You’ll have to file with your unemployment office to see what types of benefits you will receive.

      1. My employer laid us all off then received a ppp loan paid us 2 weeks of work and that’s it now we are open back up but are not making any money and half the hours we were can we still draw unemployment even though they said not to apply

        1. Your employer is most likely using PPP loan to pay his employees. The idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment benefits because they’ll get paid from the PPP loan. Employees will most likely not qualify for UI benefits during this period. The decision to apply is entirely up to you.

  85. Can someone please help me? I lost many of my jobs due to the pandemic, however I am still working at one part-time. I filed for unemployment, my weekly benefit assessment is $90 but the employer that I still work for got a letter stating they are the employer benefit claim dependent. I don’t understand why they are going to be responsible when I am still working there and why my other jobs that I lost were not the responsible ones.

  86. hello, my employer cut my hours from 40 to 32. I applied for partial unemployment. Now my employer says that it will affect his PPP loan application. Is this true?

    1. If your employer is using the PPP loan to pay employees payroll, most likely. A PPP loan is given to an employer to assist them with their payroll, along with the idea that this loan will ensure that their employees don’t need unemployment. If your employer has a PPP loan, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the retention period.

      1. Hi,
        My employer is reducing mine and others SALARY by 18% of our Gross pay on our bi-weekly paychecks, for an unforeseen amount of time; in every state. Specifically in Maryland, in my case. Will I be eligible for partial unemployment, under the Reduced Hours section, or any part of CARES/Unemployment guidelines, even though it is Salary?
        Thank you.

        1. Yes, you should be able to apply for UI benefits. Your benefit package, however, will only be determined by your state’s unemployment office after you apply. They will review your income information and will let you know if you’re eligible.

  87. How does piece rate work and partial unemployment is reduced hourly doesn’t rally apply

  88. Hi, I work in a sales job that is a base salary plus commission and commission is paid out once a month separately from our salary pay. Our hours have been cut from 40 to 24 per week. I recently applied for unemployment and was approved. Was told not to claim commission on our initial UC application but it seems like we are required to report all earnings ( including commission) on a bi-weekly claim. My worry is that when I report the commission on my biweekly claim, it will put me over the threshold and I wont be able to collect the UC benefits for my decreases hours that week. Can you shed any light on this? Should I have found a way to report commissions during the initial application? That would have been inconsistent since our commission varies greatly month to month as we only receive commission upon receipt of payment from the client not at the time of sale. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Sam. It depends on what state you live in and what their requirements are. In Illinois, for example, employees whose entire income comes from commission during the base period are ineligible for unemployment benefits, and employees who received a base salary along with commission are allowed to use the commission as part of the total income earned during the base period. So, my advice is to search on your state’s unemployment office’s website or speak with a representative with the UI office to gain more insight as to what you’ll report.

  89. Good morning! My husband is an exempt manager at a restaurant. He was told back in March that his salary was going to be cut in half. He has since been working 50+ hours a week for half salary. We recently read, though, that when your salary is going to be cut in half, you can “not accept” this new salary, leave their employ, and be eligible for unemployment benefits since it is not considered quitting, simply “not accepting” the new salary offer. Is this true? If so, would he have had to do that the first day they told him, or can he do it now? We never knew it was an option and of course they made it sound like he had no choice in the matter. Thank you so much for being a resource to us all, I hope you are safe and well!

    1. I haven’t heard of the “not accepting” loophole, but that’s not to say that it doesn’t exist. Each state has their own unemployment benefit regulations and requirements, so that would ultimately be up to the state’s unemployment office to decide. They [UI office] most likely has text regarding quitting/terminations and eligibility on their website. Sometimes employees are allowed to quit and get benefits, as long as they had a good reason to leave. But, again, that would be up to the UI office. He could technically apply for unemployment and see what happens. They will review his case along with his quarterly information and will let you know if he’s eligible.

  90. Hello! I’m an exempt employee and my employer told us they will be cutting our pay 50%. I was still working 20 hrs. Every week instead of 40. Will I qualify for partial unemployment even though I’m exempt employee? I thought if an exempt employee works during those week 20 hrs or not we’ll still be given full pay? I’m confused. Thanks

    1. If you’re a salaried employee and still getting the same pay with cut hours, then you won’t qualify for unemployment benefits. If you are receiving less pay because your employer reduced your hours, you have a higher chance that you’ll receive benefits. You will have to apply for UI to see what benefits you’ll receive. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  91. I am laid off from a flower shop. Our boss thinks she may have work just this week. She thinks she may need me one or two days. How does that affect unemployment? She knows she won’t be ready to call me back to regular hours probably until June

    1. If you’re under unemployment and you work, you’ll have to report your earnings to the unemployment office. Your earnings may either affect your UI benefits or not, but you will not know until you actually apply. I would recommend getting in touch with a representative in your UI office.

  92. I’ve been collecting unemployment for 5 weeks. I get 1021 a week with additional amount. My employer offered to let me come back for 20 hrs a week. I could still get regular unemployment of $21 a week which from what I’ve read would still qualify me for the extra 600 benefit if I stayed on unemployment, but, my employer can provide PPP. Do I have to accept PPP? Can I stay on unemployment and not do PPP? I would lose about $200 a week.

    1. PPP loan may affect your unemployment. According to the congressional research service, “Firms that receive a PPP loan cannot also claim the ERTC. Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businesses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. Therefore, the idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment because they’ll get paid. So, yes, you can still file, you just may get denied.

  93. I worked two full time jobs before covid19,because of vivid-19 I lost one of my full time job,I worked 80 hours weekly,now left 40 hours weekly,so I’m messing a total full time paycheck,do I get unemployment?

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, so the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package

  94. I was approved for unemoyment benefits for my lost wages due to our hours being cut in half. My employer just got approved for a PPP loan. They are paying us for 75% of our hours based on Jan and Feb. but in those two months our work was closed for one week, in addition, I was out sick for 2 days in Feb. They are want to pay us 75% of those hours. I am still “under” employed. and missing my normal hours. my employer said I can no longer claim unemployment. But I am still working reduced hours based on Normal, precovid hours. Is it true that I can’t claim unemployment for my lost hours? I want to work, but they are asking us to come back and still work less hours and now we can’t file to make up the difference. Is this true?

    1. Their PPP loan might affect your UI eligibility. Typically an employer gets a PPP loan to pay their employees and avoid having employees in unemmployment. And,cccording to the congressional research service, “Firms that receive a PPP loan cannot also claim the ERTC. Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businesses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. So, you might not even be eligible for UI benefits because your employer has a PPP loan. The decision to file a claim is up to you.

  95. Hi , i m in florida , i started collecting the unemployment 2 weeks ago. and my employer, said the they got a loan and they will pay me 30 hrs and i dont ve to go to work ,
    What i ve to do in this situation?
    Thank you Lindsay.

    1. The decision is entirely up to you. The PPP loan your employer obtained may affect your unemployment, because that money is used to pay the employees. So, the loan your employer got might affect your unemployment status. However, it might not. So, you could continue unemployment, but you’re not guaranteed benefits.

      1. Same boat, i had filed unemployment as our boss requested, she furloughed us, I had filed and got paid 2 weeks unemployment. Our employer just got the small business loan and paid us for 3 weeks,,,Do we now have to pay unemployment back??? Very confusing

        1. Unfortunately that would depend on your state’s policies. In some cases, employees do have to pay back any benefits they received if they’re getting paid. The best case scenario here is that they’ll just stop your unemployment eligibility. You’ll either have to check your state’s unemployment office website for information about this situation, or speak with a representative.

  96. Hi,
    So we are opening our hair salon up next Wednesday in Arkansas,and i’m an aesthetician there i feel like i’m more at risk for the virus as i do facials and clients can’t have masks on. My employer got the PPP loan but said i could work 6 hours or less due to me being in a different industry. Would i be able to keep part time unemployment and work only 6 hours? or would i qualify for full unemployment and only work 6 hours or less? i’m trying to figure out my best option as i want to stay safe while working and most of my clients have tried to reschedule have said they arent comfortable to come in yet do to how many people are still dying daily. Any input you have on this is appreciated thank you.

    1. Your partial unemployment eligibility is entirely up to your state. If they review your weekly benefit claim with your new income, they may or may not determine that your eligible. So, the best thing you can do is apply for unemployment benefits (if you haven’t already) and continuously report your weekly claims in your account.

  97. I am a waitress at a large chain restaurant. I was laid off from my job in mid March. For the past few weeks I have received over 900 dollars in unemployment money per week. This is about 200 dollars more than I would normally make. My restaurant chain just received a PPP loan. My manager is calling people into work but letting employees pick the amount of hours they want to work… essentially letting people decide if they want to come back part or full time. The amount I could make if I came back right full time is less than what I would make if the restaurant was open as normal. Right now, there is no work for us to do but cleaning projects. If I decide to work less than 40 hours, for example 20 hours, can i file the rest in underemployment???

    1. First, I want to state that the PPP loan might affect your unemployment. According to the congressional research service, “Firms that receive a PPP loan cannot also claim the ERTC. Additionally, when employees are retained due to a firm’s receiving a PPP loan or claiming an ERTC, employees are generally ineligible for UI during the period of retention” because businesses are supposed to use the PPP loan to pay their employees. Therefore, the idea here is that their employees won’t need unemployment because they’ll get paid with PPP money. So, yes, you can still file, you just may get denied.

  98. My sate opened now, but my job has less schedule due to every place slowly open. I have to take off when there is no work, mandatory reduce time. Could I file for unemployment even I still have a job but less hour for now?

    1. Each state has its own unemployment regulations, so the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  99. I took a leave at work for 12 weeks because of the covid -19 with only getting 2/3 of my pay. I was told I could get partial unemployment but was also told by another worker that my employer didn’t have to hire me back if I took it. Is this true?

    1. If you’re an at-will employee, your employer can terminate you at any time for any reason (as long as it’s not for discriminatory reasons [i.e. gender, race, etc.]). So, technically your employer can terminate you for any reason.

  100. I am presently working part time but being paid for the 32 hours a week.. I have 2 part time jobs as well. I have not been paid since March for those jobs. Am I entitled to collect on the part time. Any information would be helpful.

    1. You would have to apply for unemployment to actually see if you’re eligible, because that’s the only way to know for certain. Most of the time, employees are eligible if they’ve received pay or hour cuts from their employers. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package.

  101. I’m a contract worker but have been basically working full time. Due to our patient numbers going down 50%-60%(Home Healthcare), my income went down 55% to 60%. I applied for unemployment and received first check last week. When I contacted my boss to inform, she says she was going to increase my pay by $50 weekly to avoid me getting unemployment(I think it’s because she doesn’t want her unemployment tax rate going up). By her doing this, I’m still receiving 55%less and can’t afford my bills(morgage, car payment)without the $600 weekly. She doesn’t seem to care. Can I call Unemployment to report this and still receive unemployment? Thanks

    1. It’s to my understanding that unemployment offices look at your income to determine your eligibility. So, if your income indicates that you’re above the threshold, you won’t qualify for benefits. You can try to contact your local unemployment office and explain the situation, but I have a hard time thinking that they’ll let you qualify for benefits when you’re making too much income. But, it varies case by case, so you’ll have to apply and they will review your application– then they’ll let you know if you qualify. In some cases, like CA, you can receive the $600.00/mo even if you’re receiving at least $1 of benefits. So, if you end up earning UI benefits, you still might qualify for the $600.00 a month.

  102. I was let go when the shutdown happened and filed for unemployment in CA. A couple of days a later I had already filed for unemployment my employer told me that they would still be paying me my hours. Since I hadn’t heard much from EDD I didn’t follow up. Now I received a debit card and went to check my claim online. It turns out they paid into that account on 4/27. I know I don’t qualify, so what do I do now? I don’t want to get in trouble.

    1. Your employer would not necessarily need to take action, but you will. You will want to contact the CA unemployment office as soon as possible– they will tell you what to do and how to potentially pay back the money that was sent to you. Here’s more information:

  103. My.employer reduced my hours for April from 40hrs a week to 10 hrs a month. Friday I was informed that they has received funds from the Cares Act and could offer me up to 160hrs for the period of May 1st- June 30th. I am to submit my time June 30th for that time and I would hopefully be paid within a week after that. I have claimed unemployment for April, will I still be paid partial unemployment if I declare the numbers worked a week and amount as zero as I won’t have been paid. What happens if they don’t pay me, surely then I should receive full unemployment benefits?

    Thanks so much.

    1. You would unfortunately have to speak with your unemployment office representatives to receive guidance regarding filling out your claims.

  104. I have a son that has a lot of problem and because of the covid 19 I took a voluntary leave of 12 weeks with 2/3 of my pay because I work on the front lines and was afraid I would bring the virus in on him. I was told later by a friend I could sign up on partial unemployment then I later I was told by another worker my boss wasn’t going to let me come back because I file for the partial unemployment
    Can he do this. Is there a law that says he does not have to let me come back.

    1. Technically an employer can terminate any employee that is “at will”. If you’re an at will employee, your employer has the right to terminate you at any point, as long as they’re not for discriminatory reasons and as long as it doesn’t breach your contract. So, as unfortunate as it is, an employer can terminate an employee.

  105. My employer just got approved for PPP, I’m claiming unemployment at this time because of Covid-19 , she asked me to comeback to work part time only, Im working 19 to 20 hours a week instead of 40 , she said that I can work this hours but she requested for me not to report them to my state unemployment office is this legal?

    1. For your own protection, it’s recommended that you write correct and accurate information on your biweekly/weekly unemployment claims.

  106. Hi. Georgia passed a law that if I return to work and make less than 300 dollars a week that I am still eligible for unemployment. My question is if my employer has received ppp and pays me less than 300 a week am I still eligible for unemployment? If so will my employer still claim me weekly, or will I have now have to apply for unemployment myself? Thank you.

    1. Unfortunately the only way to know whether you will receive benefits is to apply yourself. The unemployment office will review your application based on your employment and income information you place on the application. From there, they will let you know whether you will receive benefits, including the length of your benefit package. I do want to warn you, however, that your employer’s PPP loan may or may not affect your unemployment eligibility.

  107. Hi, I am a 1099 employee receiving PUA and I just got approved for A $2700 PPP loan. I am will to pay any Penalty when this is all over but will not state (DC) discontinue my PUA automatically, or do I need to notify them?


  108. I’ve gotten laid off from TWO jobs in Florida. I’ve been receiving unemployment for both for two weeks now. However, only one of my employers have the PPP loan and I’m wondering if I would still receive some type of unemployment payments or be eligible for partial unemployment for the other job if I accept or decline it. If so do I have to apply for partial unemployment?

  109. I usually work 40 hrs a week full time. Since 4/4/20 I have been forced to have my hours reduced to 32 hours. Can I apply?

    1. You can apply, and you should because there’s no harm in applying. They will take a look at your salary basis for the past few quarters and determine your eligibility based on other employment details. Once they review your application, they’ll let you know if you’re qualified or not.

  110. Hi can I get unemployment if my daily job close but I have a side jobs but only work 18 hours a week

    1. Hi, there. Unfortunately you will have to apply with your state’s unemployment office to know if you’re truly eligible. Your state’s unemployment office’s website might have information about eligibility, but they won’t outline the exact requirements because they’ll have to review your employment income information.

  111. Hi, I’m in California and have been on unemployment since mid March. My company just got approved for the PPP loan and while I was working 40 hours before, he is having me come back at 35 hours per week. I’m losing my unemployment and my $600/week to work more, and not even full time. Am I still eligible for partial unemployment/pua?

    1. In order to get the PUA $600 loan in California, you must at least be eligible for $1 in unemployment benefits. Unfortunately, if you aren’t eligible for unemployment insurance, you will not get the PUA benefits.

  112. Hi. I live in Illinois and currently on unemployment due to COVID. I also receive the $600 extra from the cares act. My employer is opening back up in May 11 for some staff but I’m not scheduled to return to work until June 1. My boss says they are going to pay be 32 hrs per week until then so does that mean when I recertify that I won’t get the $600 from unemployment? Because my mom works for a different company and she is retiring to work the May 11 and they are paying her for 40 hrs plus giving her the $600 a week for 8weeks. They said it was part of the loan they took out and they are required to do so. I believe it was a PPP loan. Basically my boss is saying they don’t have to pay me the $600 extra a week. They just have to pay me 32 hrs per week. Does this sound accurate? So I’m going to be paid only 32 hrs per week and lose the cares act money of $600 a week.

  113. I are you able to collect partial unemployment if you are still working 40 hour weeks but received a pay cut due to COVID-19?

    1. That will depend on how much you made during the last few quarters you worked, and is based on what your state’s eligibility requirements are. You can apply to see if you’re eligible, because you won’t know for certain until you actually apply.

  114. My part-time hours were reduced by 8 hours per week during the week of March 16. Four weeks in to the reduction, April 13, I applied for unemployment benefits for lack of work. Two weeks after I put in my UC, my employer informed me she was approved for a Payroll Protection loan (PP) and I was paid on May 1 for an average of hours from the first five weeks that my hours were reduced. My employer just received word that I filed and is asking me to rescind my UC because I received the PP payment. I’m guessing that I will be denied unemployment benefits because I received (and reported in my bi-weekly claim) the PP payment. I feel that I should let the process play out until I get word from unemployment whether I qualify or not. I have three questions; can I receive both UC and a PP payment? Can my employer request I rescind my UC? And do employers continue with the PP payments to employees until regular work resumes? I work in PA. Thank you for your time.

  115. in Michigan there is an under employment option called the Work Share Program.
    can we have employees in a 20% reduced hours Work Share Program and still qualify the employee in our PPP load forgiveness? Basically have workers in unemployment for 20% and qualify them for a full PPP head count. this would qualify our employees for the addtional $600/week offered in the Cares plan.

  116. Can an employer refuse to pay for hours worked while employee is still receiving unemployment?

    1. An employer must pay an employee for the hours that they work, including any overtime that the employee earned.

  117. I was working over 40 hours a week, about 60 consistently on a regular basis before the pandemic happened. My job required us to work 6 days a week and only gave us 1 day off. It was not a choice but a requirement. Now we are only working 40 hours with 2 days off. Would I be eligible to apply for partial unemployment?

  118. Hello 🙂
    My employer called me back and only scheduled me 32.5 hours . I’m ok Georgia .I will make $440 before taxes . So does that mean I cannot qualify for partial unemployment and loose the $600 ? What can I do ?
    Thank you

  119. Hi. I filed for unemployment back in March because I was laid off from my 3 part time jobs that I hold due to Covid. I’ve been receiving pay from unemployment since then. Recently, two of my part-time positions have received the ppp and added me to their payroll, however both are the jobs that I only work on call for so I’m not receiving a lot of pay from either. My 3rd job is not offering ppp pay and it’s the job I make the most at. Am I still able to file For unemployment, since the pay I’m getting from my on call jobs (ppp) are lower then my weekly unemployment benefits? One of my part-time employers is also making me sign a form that I will not keep filing for unemployment if accepting her ppp. However if I don’t accept she will report it to unemployment and it will terminate my benefits. Does she have a right to demand that?

  120. Hello,
    I have been drawing unemployment through The state of NC for about a month. My employer has called me back to work, stating “I can come back at work the amount of hours I was working prior to COVID-19.” My prior hours averaged 25hrs a week. This was due to me being a student and not able to work more hours. My college classes are now out for the summer and I can work 40hrs a week, which financially I need to make my financial payments monthly. Because my prior hours averaged 25 prior to COVID-19 but I am able to work 40hrs can I still continue to draw unemployment? Or am I not able to because my prior hours only averaged 25hrs per week before COVID-19 hit? I am currently looking for other job now that I am out of school and graduated in May 2020. However, I do not know what the best thing to do is currently at this time.

  121. I live in Ny. I work for a school district 4 days a week as a permanent substitute teacher. We are not allowed to work 5 days as a result of the Obama Healthcare. So I picked up the 5th day at another school district. I have lost that income. My 4 day district decided to lay the perm subs. I also worked as a perdiem employee at a hospital for 30 yrs. as a housekeeper . I needed to resign from this job as my Dad passed away and my 84 yr. old Mom became ill with a severe respiratory infection and her dr. said I would be putting her at risk for the virus since I was her caretaker. When a representative called me I told her all this info. I have been accepted to receive benefits. But now I am nervous as I don’t know which job she placed the info. Under. She said she wrote the notes as I said them, but I believe she was contacting the school that I was not getting paid for. I can not get anyone on the phone, so how would I find out? I am nervous about this. I make about $498 per week. My other 2 jobs were giving me an additional $200 per week which I no longer make. And that was what I was trying to recoup in order to pay my bills. Have I done something wrong? Since I can not get an answer from unemployment, should I try to contact my other jobs human resource to see if unemployment contacted them?

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    Partial Unemployment Benefits for Hour and Pay Cuts

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