No overtime sign

Do You Have to Pay Employees for Unapproved Overtime?

Many employers simply do not allow unauthorized/unapproved overtime, and they outline this in the company handbook. The stipulation might read something like this: “We do not pay for unauthorized overtime. Approval must …

Exceptions to the California Daily Overtime Laws

California labor laws are a little different from federal labor laws. For example, California has daily overtime laws in addition to weekly overtime. Therefore, even if employees’ weekly hours don’t exceed 40, …

On Call Time – Paid Or Unpaid

When we wait around for something to happen –  waiting for someone to show up, standing in a long line, counting down the minutes till we leave for an appointment, or being …

Exempt or Non-Exempt: How to Know

The Fair Labor Standards Act governs most types of jobs in the US. There are some types of jobs, however, in some industries that are not covered by the FLSA either because …

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