Understanding the Accruals Cap

Many companies put a limit on accumulated vacation hours, and for good reason. A few years back there was an interesting case that highlights the trouble a company could get into without …

Security In Online Time Tracking

“How do I know my employees won’t clock in from home?” “What if employees share passwords and clock in for each other?” “What if my mobile employees clock in from their phones …

Online Expense Tracking Is a Must for Businesses

Travel and entertainment costs represent a large chunk of the budget for most businesses. In fact, they are the second largest business expense, just behind payroll. You would think that businesses would …

Time Tacking for Insurance Agents

Insurance agents have some very specific needs for monitoring employees. First of all, they usually run very small offices with anywhere from 2 to 15 employees, and need a system that is …

Employees Love Online Timeclocks Too!

Employees new to online time tracking sometimes think that their bosses are cracking the whip – recording time down to the second, revealing tardy patterns, the true length of lunch breaks, and …

Drive Time Should Be Paid Work Time

Drive time for work refers to the time spent traveling during working hours for work purposes. It’s not the time spent going to and from work. That’s commuting and employers don’t have …

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