Snowman with thought bubble "am I getting paid for this?"

Do Employees Get Holiday Pay?

The holiday season is among us, which means that it’s the season for raises, bonuses, and more. A lot of employees have expectations this time of year because many employers provide extra …

American Flag in the wind

Your Guide to Employee Holiday Leave

We have written about time off and holiday leave a lot on this blog. With the 4th of July upon us, we thought it would be beneficial to create a holiday guide …

Illustration of suitcase overflowing with cash

Closing Payroll Early to Cover Holidays

Employee payroll needs to adhere to a regular payroll schedule. Employers can’t just pay their employees whenever they get paid from their clients and they can’t postpone payroll because they ran into …

Graph of holiday plans

Guide to Giving Holiday Bonuses

Whether to give a cash bonus, how much to give, and whether there are alternatives are questions many entrepreneurs ask during the holidays. The bonuses that employers give at the end of …

Trade Labor Day for Extra PTO

Labor Day can be more of a hassle than it’s worth for anyone driving to or from a big city. Navigating into and out of it can take hours and for what? …

Holiday Pay Practices Infographic

This infographic by HR Daily Advisor is a snap shot of their more in depth survey on employer holiday pay practices. In the survey they answer many important questions.

Night Shift Workers Lose an Hour of Pay

Unless you’re a year-round night shift employee yourself, you may have never thought of this. Employees whose scheduled shift runs through 2am lose an hour’s pay at daylight savings time. It’s just …

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