Payroll Reporting: Check Date Versus Pay Period Dates

You’ll be doing your end of year payroll reporting soon and we know this can sometimes be confusing, so we’d like to offer a tip on how to make it more accurate.

2012 Working Hours May Not Equal 2012 Payroll

The dollars you report for 2012 may not exactly mirror the number of hours worked by your employees. This is because the date the check was written is what matters for payroll reporting.

So if your employees want to work overtime for some extra holiday cash, or if you’re planning on giving out holiday bonuses, make sure that the check date is for 2012. If you write checks dated 2013 for bonuses, commissions, or hours worked in 2012, they will need to be reported on 2013’s payroll tax returns and W2s.

If you have any questions about this feel free to contact us!

2 Responses

  1. Im going back to work monday but will only work like 1 day a week, the company is paying for 40 hrs a week , but i work 43/47 hrs a week.if i file ui will i get the 600. Our business isnt eve open! They making us go clean, one day a week. Please help!! I have a ole man that has mental illness issues 3 kids at home bc schools are closed. Have make grandkids when their mom works…im so scared.i dont want to get it and end up giving to my family! Idk why they making us go back bc we dont even open the state until the 15th….we are a bingo hall we will be one of the last ones tjat open….

    1. Hi Barbara. Although you’re only working 1 day a week, your employer is still going to pay you your salary/pay, so you’ll most likely not qualify for unemployment benefits. And, if you decide to quit, it’s likely that you will not get unemployment benefits because most employees only get benefits when unemployment is out of their control. Under the FFCRA, you might qualify for 80 hours of paid leave, but again, that’s based on your situation. You can try applying for benefits, but you will not know if you’ll qualify for benefits until you actually apply.

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