Hands working on laptop surrounded by cartoon envelopes

6 Ways to Improve Your Professional Emails

How you communicate with your customers and other contacts impacts how those same entities view your company. Effective email correspondence can benefit you and your business in numerous ways. It can help …

Businessman thrusts fists forward in Toxic Workplace

Is It Ok to Quit My Job?

When you find yourself in a toxic work environment, it’s okay to quit your job. I hereby give you permission to get the heck out of there. You don’t need a therapist …

Taking time off

Take Some Time Off

Oddly enough, the phrase “there’s no time like the present” dates back about five hundred years. It makes sense that the Renaissance period, the era of human enlightenment, would birth the notion …

Remote employee lay off

The Right way to Lay Off Remote Employees

Most of you probably didn’t start out as the boss. Take a moment to remember a time when you worked for someone else. You may recall decisions that you didn’t agree with …

Coworker discussion

How to Navigate Political Discussions at Work

What’s your state of mind these days? No, really. I want to know. Try to talk about it without mentioning the pandemic, the jobs report, your child’s education, the housing market, inflation, …

Coworkers collaborating at a conference table

How to Increase Employee Engagement

Sometimes the mere thought of getting up and going to work is overwhelming. Interacting with a range of coworkers, attending meetings with supervisors, or wading through emails can seem daunting on days …

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