Night Shift Workers Lose an Hour of Pay

Unless you’re a year-round night shift employee yourself, you may have never thought of this. Employees whose scheduled shift runs through 2am lose an hour’s pay at daylight savings time. It’s just …

Outsource work

Why You Should Outsource Payroll

Payroll is a big job and it takes a lot of training to get it right. If you do it yourself, you have to be very careful because there are many things …

You Can’t Make Up Your Own Overtime Policies

At, we often get calls from customers who want help setting up “custom” overtime rules. We’ve heard the gamut of creative “overtime policies”. While having multiple pay rates is fine for …

When Does an Employee Get Double Time Pay?

Federal law has no provision for double time pay (see statement), but California law does. State labor laws add to Federal labor laws so that they can provide additional protections for workers. …

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