Coworkers collaborating at a conference table

How to Increase Employee Engagement

Sometimes the mere thought of getting up and going to work is overwhelming. Interacting with a range of coworkers, attending meetings with supervisors, or wading through emails can seem daunting on days …

Drawing of a virus

No More Paid Sick Leave for Employees Under the FFCRA

As the coronavirus spread in 2020, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) which provided benefits for employees affected by the coronavirus. Additionally, under the FFCRA, employees were also allowed …

Snowman with thought bubble "am I getting paid for this?"

Do Employees Get Holiday Pay?

The holiday season is among us, which means that it’s the season for raises, bonuses, and more. A lot of employees have expectations this time of year because many employers provide extra …

Plants growing out of money piles

When to Give Your Employees a Raise

Your employees make your company successful, so why not show them that you value their work? Giving raises is one of the best ways to show your employees that you care about …

Illustration of large question mark next to faceless figure with Benefits written on it

Benefits to Give Your Employees

Employers often give employees benefits to help them settle into new positions. Many employees think that they deserve benefits like vacation time, laptops, pension plans, Insurance, and more. Although many employers provide …

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