Employee pay cut

Is It Legal to Give an Employee a Pay Cut

Reducing an employee’s pay is no minor thing. A pay cut can be anything from illegal, financially troubling, emotionally unsettling, to devastating. Before cutting an employee’s pay, employers should consider the effects. …

Old book on table

Obama’s Overtime Rule Is Officially History

We’ve been waiting on something to happen to Obama’s overtime rule since December when federal judge, Amos Mazzant, put an injunction on it following a challenge put forth by 21 states and …

Man on phone in office

What You Can Say In an Employment Reference

When employees move on to bigger and better things, relocate, or get laid off, former employers can expect reference checks from new job prospects. Those phone calls, though, can be a little …

Woman gives presentation to colleages

5 Tips For Improving Work Presentations

Contributed by Cadrene Heslop Sharing information with company staff is crucial for ensuring everyone that gets briefed about important company matters. There are many methods of communicating these matters. Companies with large …

People at table with work and coffee

7 Ways Your Staff Can Help Your Marketing

Employees are so much more than paid workers – they are ambassadors for your brand and everything that your business stands for. As members of your company, they are closely acquainted with …

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