American Flag in the wind

Your Guide to Employee Holiday Leave

We have written about time off and holiday leave a lot on this blog. With the 4th of July upon us, we thought it would be beneficial to create a holiday guide …

chart indicating vacation statistics in USA

Our Under-Vacationed Nation

Americans work long hours by the world’s standards, and take very few vacations comparatively. This trend may be motivated by American’s work ethic but it’s counterproductive; overworking hurts employee productivity.

Offer Time Off as a Bonus or Reward

Time off is, traditionally, a benefit employees earn just for working at the company. Whether employees earn time off by the hour, day, week, month, or year, it’s dolled out based on …

Trade Labor Day for Extra PTO

Labor Day can be more of a hassle than it’s worth for anyone driving to or from a big city. Navigating into and out of it can take hours and for what? …

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