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Set Your TimeClock to Startup With Windows

When your employees come in to work and start up their computers, they will want to clock in as quickly as possible. By bringing up the time clock automatically, as the computer …

Employee Bonuses – Keep Track Online

Employee bonuses are a great way to boost employee morale and company loyalty. This all feeds back to the success of your business in the end, but what kind of bonuses should …

How to Set Up Flat Rate and Day Rate Pay

Most employees make an hourly wage and are paid based on the number of hours they work. That’s typical for most businesses. However, some employees are paid based on the job they …

How to Track Comp Time With Timesheets

Some employees earn comp time as a reward for good work. Keeping track of it is easy with our online time clock. (If you’re unsure about when comp time can legally be …

How We Keep Your Data Secure

Your time sheet data is valuable and, needless to say, you don’t want anything to happen to it. At we understand this, and so we take extra care to keep it …

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News & Tips for Small Business Owners, Employees, and Accounting Professionals


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